I was quite interested in Snikwalker ranch for a hot second like 2 years ago, and what I can say is: There's no real evidence of anything supernatural, most of the claims are unverifiable and made by people who wanna believe in the first place, the previous owner of the ranch claimed they made up the supernatural bits to sell it, and every popular bit of information about is coded in scary music and spooky effects on TV programmes. I'd actually like to see if you got any like, scientific articles about it, because I never went that far with my interest. Just seems like a ranch with weird radio interference on Tuesdays. I'm open to accepting the existence of supernatural stuff, but evidence wise, I've never seen anything conclusive.
joined 11 months ago
Besides your belief that there is no higher power, what are your thoughts on supernatural phenomena?
But, like, no. The solution to loneliness is a walkable spaces, third places, better education, etc. not making machines that emulate human speech with no thoughts.
Presumably using full English grammar and such it would be: "Matka foka" for mother seal. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say thats probably not how its translated properly fully in polish. But I was really hoping mother would be mama in polish so it could be mama fucker!
Facial Feminization Surgery
May I recommend NewPipe on android? It's a proxy for YouTube/Bandcamp/Plus a bunch of other stuff including Peertube. As a creator, Peertube is nice, but yea, using it as a full time video watching platform just isn't viable rn unfortunately.