Is the 271 page document available anywhere?
That's a Russian talking point from 2022. It's like seeing a vintage car on the road.
The interview equivalent of stepping on a rake.
I like the imagemagick .desktop file that is always created when you install the package. It opens up a really terrible and dated paint-like program that no one ever uses.
The link provided doesn't actually lead to a study or anything. It just leads to a website that repeats the same claim about dryer efficiency.
someone had to leave to bail out a friend who found an open traffic box and started playing.
Tech inclined raccoons
someone will insist it's ranked choice but I'm not convinced that's the best method.
Why not?
I've embarked on a campaign of turning up to each city council meeting to re-educate them three minutes at a time.
The hottest day on record every year
But we won't know for sure until after she is elected and that gives voters hope.
Surely his own supporters know him well enough to know he would do the Fox debate and then skip the ABC debate, right,? It's just how he works.