I remember when people got mad at me for getting rid of Myspace.
And MSN/Live/Windows Messenger
And Facebook
And Digg
And Reddit
And Whatsapp
They'll get over it
This seems entirely reasonable but I envision that it will cause several shit shows
I had horrible heartburn throughout my 20s and into my 30s. Mentioned it to every doctor. It would keep me up at night. It would hurt like a bitch and I'd often feel like i was throwing up. One new doctor was like, "you ever try a food allergen panel?"
Turns out, I'm allergic to caesin. It's a protein in pretty much all dairy. Stopped having dairy products and heartburn is 99% gone.
Moral of the story: heartburn can be caused by a tonne of reasons and it's hard to pinpoint if there's even something concrete to even point to
Sauce plz :3
Did anyone catch those song lyrics?!?!?!
You of all people, Ray
I have a vague recollection of the developers building the highest settings were optimized for a future where single-core performance was where computing power would develop on... But then, cpu technology advanced towards parallelization/hyperthreading/multi core, and it took far longer for single core performance to catch up to Crysis' highest demands
Roger. I'm leaning away from wifi