this is great
The USA has been a force of great evil for the last 70 years, just look at the many countries of south and middle america. And all in the name of free trade and freedom. CCP has done comparibly little. The hipocrisy is staggering.
Its interestng, but kidney cells are not exposed to patterns of neurotransmiters like nerve cells are. Cells can be reprogramed to be stem cells as well with the right pattern od signals but that does not mean that it really happens in the body.
As a Slovenian this is suprising to me. Everyone I know thinks Trump is an idiot. Maybe they think USA influence on the world will be negative in either case.
that the victim, now old, does not punished?
Yey USA tankies!
Ionizing radiation can't produce secondary radioactivity in materials...
Are you saying almost no one cares about open access to scientific publications?
three not very funny jokes...
no medical advice matters if you dont listen to it...