They need something like Invisalign, but they make your teeth appear to be in terrible condition. So, when says that you can smile and scare the shit out of them.
I haven't seen his nose, but I bet it's bold and beautiful. I wish him luck on his mental health journey!
Carry on, my friend. Just didn't know if I was missing a joke.
Am I missing something? Why is Thursday after Monday?
I needed more medication to numb than he thought--way more. Don't be afraid to speak up. Otherwise, the process was easy. I had discomfort for longer than he said, but that's just how my body is. Two years later, I still have some discomfort doing certain things (not common things), but again that's how my body is. That is how it is for some people, and I am just one of those few unlucky people. I have the ability to sense painful things greater than most and the ability to tolerate that pain more than most. It was still worth it. My wife and I were done having children and now we don't have to worry about any surprises.
Don't worry. If you live if the USA, that time is coming under Trump and RFK, Jr.
No, Darth Helmet said it. Source: Spaceballs (movie)
Or add the random stuff after for sorting purposes.
Is this shirt intended for an audience outside of the US?
If we bring them back, we need to add googily eyes to them. I know that's not the message that people are trying to send, but how can we resist the temptation?
"I don't know you!"