I'm happy with Fastmail. Making masked emails is great to me, and you can bring your own domain with you. It also is integrated with 1password.
Because everyone wants to hope it won't happen to Us. They think/hope that by not acknowledging, it won't exist. A la COVID. Nothing like sticking your head into the sand... 😮💨
Id trust no one who has to label themselves as "the truth"
Sounds like he's the one in charge, and you accept his behavior.
Well, I hear LW described as "people that want it to be like reddit" so maybe because LW is large and seen as very reddit-like in terms of rules/policy they wouldn't want to join current popular instances.
????? Lmao I think I'm missing that internet lore
Babys first CLI
I'm confused I guess. You banned a lw mod, then got banned on a lw news instance, and you think it's more than coincidence?
I guess it'd be hard to prove, but imo (which isn't worth anything) I doubt that's the case.
Yes, it's the intentions behind it just as equally.
It's like saying kys doesn't mean "kill yourself" just because it's doesn't spell it explicitly.
It's not just drugs dude.
Because dude isn't up and familiar with Nazi stuff. Normal people don't care to know.