Think that's supposed to represent "Independent" or 3rd party supporters.
The link preview gives it away sadly.
I'll twist your tiddies
Fuck it, let the billion dollar company figure that one out.
Don't ask for things you won't do yourself, you look like a fool
Uhhmmm, Sir? I'm an Italian cold cut... 👀
She meant a sub sandwich I bet, common misunderstanding
You may want to take a break from viewing political content if this is your honest thoughts.
Many people working in federal government have done so for multiple years, and multiple presidents, why would they be considered as a "magat"?
It's like we've come full circle to the GOP for decades sowing the seed of "you can't trust government" for someone seemingly on the other side having the same sentiment. Again, if that's your honest belief, consider their objective won, you're in less control of yourself than you think.
What if either parent is a carrier of the troll gene?
It was a lot better back then, then it became about money.
The colder the better