So should women be considered child murderers when they ovulate and don't get pregnant?
Fucking stupid.
So should women be considered child murderers when they ovulate and don't get pregnant?
Fucking stupid.
Sadly, the stupid people had children...
It's an actual thing:
distinguished from the broader category of a legal person, which may be a private (i.e., business entity or non-governmental organization) or public (i.e., government) organization.
P sure you have to enable NSFW posts...
Don't apologize unless you actually mean it. Saying sorry when you didn't really mean it, or you did the same thing again only devalues any future apology until it means nothing to the people you care about.
Sure makes me feel justified when I tell my friends I won't buy Diablo 4. The last 5ish years have really told me all I need to know.
Yep, that's a cat alright...
I think this is pretty accurate to my thoughts. He looks best to me in the pictures he's smiling in. As one comment mentioned, the black coat/beanie isn't helping.
I think I interpret what you are saying as that you're aware women likely need more help, but so do men, and we shouldn't assume the smaller one doesn't exist or ignore them because that group creates more issues than they have victims.
I think they're innocent in their meaning, but don't understand the nuance of what you're trying to tell them.