Bro needs to learn to slice the pie and check those corners.
Her dad, Polonius, is hiding behind a curtain to spy on Hamlet for the king, because Hamlet is pretending (?) to be crazy to make himself seem like less of a threat.
While Hamlet is yelling at his mom for marrying the king (who also killed Hamlet's dad— the old king), he hears Polonius behind the curtain and stabs him to death. Afterwards he realizes that he killed his girlfriend's dad.
It's a great play, I highly recommend reading a synopsis and then watching it.
I was hoping someone would mention the disc launcher!
We used to play the shareware version on the school computers whenever we had free time. Shazbot!
The Executive Office For Immigration Review (EOIR) is a sub-agency of the United States Department of Justice whose chief function is to conduct removal proceedings in immigration courts and adjudicate appeals arising from the proceedings. These administrative proceedings determine the removability and admissibility of individuals in the United States. As of January 19, 2023, there were sixty-eight immigration courts and three adjudication centers throughout the United States.
Immigration adjudication does not conform to the separation of functions as prescribed by the Administrative Procedure Act. Instead, the Department of Homeland Security initiates removal proceeding against a litigant; the immigration judge is employed by EOIR. In the removal proceeding, the U.S. Government is represented by an Assistant Chief Counsel, often referred to as a "DHS attorney" or "trial attorney." Unlike criminal adjudications in Article III courts, litigants in removal proceedings do not have a constitutional right to counsel, except in narrow circumstances.
I might have to dive back in. I had so much fun with this on the Steam Deck.
Undeniable classic. Not much more satisfying than hucking a file cabinet at a group of people who don't see you yet.
Also, the trip mines were fun to use in smaller games (just like the Duke3d ones).
The graphic design looks so much like Spelunky. Cool!
I don't know if it was their SDK or what, but Epic's sound design in this era was so good. Jill of the Jungle still stands out to me for that.
Augury was a Greco-Roman religious practice of observing the behavior of birds, to receive omens. When the individual, known as the augur, read these signs, it was referred to as "taking the auspices". "Auspices" (Latin: auspicium) means "looking at birds". Auspex, another word for augur, can be translated to "one who looks at birds". Depending upon the birds, the auspices from the gods could be favorable or unfavorable (auspicious or inauspicious). Sometimes politically motivated augurs would fabricate unfavorable auspices in order to delay certain state functions, such as elections. Pliny the Elder attributes the invention of auspicy to Tiresias the seer of Thebes.
We used to play Sky Roads on the school computers all the time. Great game.
You're absolutely right! Thanks, edited.