I don't get the bitching. Is it brutally expensive? Yes. Do you have to buy it? No. In terms of stats the gun is nothing special, the armor is quite good, but not essential. For a one time crossover, it's fine.
I work as a psychologist, fears of abbandonment are a lot more common than many think. If you are this afraid I'd recommend going to psychotherapy to sort it out. It can help a lot if you put the effort in.
I find giving gifts hard as well, and I hate that I' often expected to be happy, even if I have no need or use for the thing So I talked with family and friends, I don't want gifts, I don't need gifts. I'm happy to meet, have a nice dinner. This made christmas soo much better for me. With my partner we write a list of stuff we'd like, and we get the other one/two things from that list to keep the surprise part. A surprising number of friends like giving gifts, but don't expect it to be returned if you don't want to.
I feel like your problems go a lot deeper, but a preemptive talk about it csn help if they are reasonable people
Yes that's one. Might want to check her other songs as well
You could check out Cami-cat's D&D songs, a few there might fit
Thanks I Hate It
I don't know what kind of a healtcare system you have, but where Iive it's funded by taxes. I used zo struggle with that kind of thought "It's a minor problem, I'll be wasting capacity" until I looked at how much money I'm paying every month. That helped me get into the mindset of "I'm paying you, I have the right to get looked at".
Also if you have these kinds of thoughts, then you are likely a type of person who tends to downplay their problems at least a bit, so when you start thinking about the need to go to the doctor, you need to take it more seriously
Yes, I used Word and Teams a lot, Access is a piece of shite, that much is for sure
Could you elaborate on why is it crapware? What should people and buisnesses use instead in your oppinion?
Titanfall. Proper Titanfall.
I'm guessing you didn't use the Manticores with a +10 Defence stance :D
Yeah, I can see that one. Using dark patterns is not ok