I'm Mexican, so keep stirring that pot.... also, each party is filled with dumb asses that represent dumb shit, that doesn't mean we're all like that. I know some pretty extreme left wing Democrats that are just crazy,,.but they don't represent all the people in that party.
Yes, a Trump voter. All 78 million of us are wrong, and misinformed... and YOU guys are the right ones, got it.
Welcome to Reddit 2.0... " I don't agree with you so I'm blocking you!" :-)
Nope, I vote Republicans, and have conservative views. Shocking, I know...not every single person on Lemmy thinks and acts the same.
Oh brother... and how did that turn out? Was it overturned?
Exactly, we're a nation of laws. Without enforcing laws, we're just another third world country trying to survive.
It's not because of anything but the US sending money and weapons to Ukraine, otherwise, they'd be done.
Good thing the majority of the country disagrees... I swear, ONLY in the US is this topic so controversial. Go to any other country ON EARTH and see if illegal immigration is accepted..
The Left says the Right is racist, homophobic... the Right says the Left is anti-gun, pro-crime, anti-police.. blah, blah.. both sides have extremists and both sides are guilty of having some dumb asses. As I'm getting older, I just find myself become more aligned with Republicans because of my personal beliefs. That doesn't make me an idiot, a racist, a bigot.. etc.. I"m just simply voting for who I think best represents me, at this point in my life. That does not make me any less of a person than you or anyone else on Lemmy, yet, I constantly get attacked because I'm not with the Left mob like you all are.