
joined 2 years ago
[–] Yokozuna 2 points 5 days ago

This game is making me spend 2500 on a new rig and I'm conflicted about it. My 1080 has served me well o7

[–] Yokozuna 8 points 5 days ago (4 children)

Honestly, out of all of them - IMHO Capcom puts out quality games that you can buy once and then buy a dlc and be able to fully enjoy an amazing game with incredible replayablity. I'm not saying I agree with the pay for cosmetic reroll thing, but if Capcom wants to put in cosmetic 2-3$ trinkets, whatever. It affects the game barely any at all, and in the case of Monster Hunter, there are so many in-game cosmetics and trinkets you can unlock already that look awesome. On the flip side of this you have scum bag companies that lock FUN behind micro transactions, not solely cosmetics. Still, the pay for reroll is fucked and I only hope we can mod in the ability to change it like we had in World.

[–] Yokozuna 6 points 6 days ago

Might be ozzfest. Trash fire mosh pits everywhere.

[–] Yokozuna 2 points 1 week ago

2m resolution is pretty nuts for the general population to use. I love getting my hands on some good satellite imagery.

[–] Yokozuna 5 points 1 week ago


[–] Yokozuna 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

3 was the GOAT but Underground took it to a whole different level. So beyond stoked to play either of them remastered.

[–] Yokozuna 12 points 1 week ago

Just got the word today at my job that the people who write reports need to remove all mention of climate related things, not even a year after they finally decided to tell that we can include it. So basically, the last legislation moved too slowly and this administration is moving rapidly to change what they finally implemented.

[–] Yokozuna 1 points 2 weeks ago

Yea I totally get that. My only thing is that the older kit is more true to the look of the anime. I love both kits, don't get me wrong but I was honestly planning on getting the older one first for that reason and then getting the Ka. Kit later on. I can tell just from the pictures that the Ka. Kit is on a different build level than the original.

[–] Yokozuna 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

It is (or has already?) Going to receive a face-lift. That might help out a little bit honestly.

[–] Yokozuna 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It was probably a "you resign now after you tell me no, or we get you fired in an hour" or something along those lines.

[–] Yokozuna 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Any recommendations on where to watch this?

[–] Yokozuna 14 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)



Holy smokes folks, tons of great kits. Give it a look and remember if you want something, get it because it might just sell out. I wasn't trying to buy any more kits to add to my backlog but here I go spending money again.


This kit for being HG is pretty awesome. Bandai has really stepped up their game with this line, the kit has a pesduo-skeleton more like what you would see in a MG but not completely similar. The poseability and range of motion with the joints are also awesome.

The amount of seamline removal for this kit is very minimal as most of the panels for the armor are designed to kind of piece in for the look. But man... the masking tape involved for this kit is going to be crazy. Tons of small details that need attention. I'll be sure to post updates for this kit as I work on it, and others that I do soon. I also stream on Twitch when I build, if you're interested in watching the process feel free to ask for my handle.

What I find about this series most interesting is that I (a zaku enjoyer) really like the new gundam design over the new zaku design and have found that people that usually like gundams over zakus like the Zaku design better.


Just looking for people who might play to friend and possibly join my clan. No commitment, no pressure to spend money, just something to do periodically.


And a happy new years too.


It happens to me fairly often. Usually, it's with food I find less than appetizing, but it's not bad by any means. I think the problem stems from the fact that I cooked for about 8 years for my job. There was a lot of standing and eating, tasting dishes as I went, cooking food that I was never going to eat while I was hungry, etc..

Does anyone else share this problem?


Over the years, I've heard many people sample this one sound. There is no way I can describe it other than a rhythmic pulse of an alarm. I've linked two songs that use the sample for the main part of the beat, so you'll be able to compare and figure out what it is. I've heard it on many other songs, but these two keep it around for the longest time. Where the hell did this thing come from, and why does everyone use it (besides it sounding cool)?

MF DOOM - Yessir! https://youtu.be/1zo6TI3kA3w?si=M1rTDq2ZKoewb_2v

Doug E. Fresh - I-ight https://youtu.be/HkV4QXvUWEA?si=7e5JRI0N0V_L5A56

Wacke (lemmy.world)
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