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[–] WoodScientist 2 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Sure it would be difficult. It wouldn't be easy. Like anything, you don't just start with humans. You start with mice and work your way up from there. But you're right, it would I suppose not be a near term thing. But still, for people like Musk, who always insist how they are so concerned with the future 'survival of humanity?' If you're that worried about underpopulation, to the point you're willingly throwing away civil rights, wouldn't such a thing be worth funding, even if it takes a century to figure it out?

[–] WoodScientist 1 points 4 hours ago

Oh Jesus. As this tech gets good enough, eventually people will start falling in love with the damned things. It's inevitable. And eventually they'll want to make it socially acceptable to take their fuck-robots out in public. They'll want to marry the things. They'll be trying to piggyback off the gay and trans rights movements. Everyone will be like, "dude, that is clearly a robot. I can show you the code. There's nobody looking back from behind those plastic eyes." And they'll be like, "no! You just don't understand our love, I know she's real!"

We are so incredibly fucked.

[–] WoodScientist 7 points 4 hours ago

Maybe for the first few, but after awhile it would be common knowledge that raising rents too much magically causes building to burst into flames. Insurance doesn't cover intentional acts. If you deliberately burn your own house down, insurance isn't going to cover that. Plus every insurance policy would exclude coverage for this sort of entirely predictable and preventable fire.

[–] WoodScientist 3 points 5 hours ago

Someone probably just got confused by the Ohio Hitlers.

[–] WoodScientist 4 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Depends on the fine print of the contract I imagine. "Spread" for instance could be interpreted to only meaning naturally spread. I would argue that if a fire spreads by arson, it isn't the same fire spreading to a new area, but an entirely new fire being formed.

[–] WoodScientist 4 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

Aww, I was hoping his name was Luigi, just to make things even stranger.

[–] WoodScientist 4 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

Yes, named for the infamous Dr. Mengele, the German doctor who performed abominable experiments on prisoners during the Franco-Prussian War.

[–] WoodScientist 13 points 6 hours ago (3 children)

If anyone has access to a genie wish, might I suggest:

"I wish any rental that saw the rent on it raised by more than twice the inflation rate, once it is no longer occupied, would instantly burst into flames and burn to ashes in a way that damages no other rental unit."

[–] WoodScientist 9 points 6 hours ago (4 children)

I think you mean the Mandala Effect.

[–] WoodScientist 2 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

You know what. Fuck it. Let's make the world more interesting. Let's legalize consensual cannibalism! We'll regulate it like assisted suicide, so there are safeguards in place to prevent exploitation and such. And you won't be able to pay someone (or their loved ones) in order to let you cannibalize them. But if everyone involved is of sound mind, if there's plenty of time to change your mind, and no one is getting paid or coerced? Have at it! I believe in freedom so much, that if you want to willingly let a cannibal kill and eat you, by God, that should be your right! Let us legalize consensual cannibalism!

[–] WoodScientist 113 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (6 children)

I would say that jury nullification isn't just some accident of the legal system, but the primary reason we have juries in the first place.

Judges will say that juries are meant to just decide the simple facts of the case. But what sane person would ever design a system that assigns 12 random untrained nobodies to do that task? If all that mattered was judging the facts of the case, why not have 12 legal scholars instead? Why isn't "juror" a profession, just like being a lawyer or judge is? If we want people to just apply the letter of the law to the facts of a case, why not fill juries with professionals, each who had a legal degree, and who have sat as jurors hundreds of times? Judging evidence and reading law is a skill. And it's one that can be educated on, trained, and practiced. Why do we have amateur juries, when professional juries would clearly do their purported job so much better? Or why not just do what some countries do, and have most or all trials decided solely by judges? What exactly is the point of a jury? Compared to everything else in the courtroom, the jurors, the ones actually deciding guilt or innocence, are a bunch of untrained amateurs. On its face, it makes no damn sense!

No, the true reason, and really the only reason, we have juries at all is so that juries can serve to judge both the accused AND the law. Juries are meant to be the final line of defense against unjust laws and prosecution. It is possible for a law itself to be criminal or corrupt. Legislative systems can easily be taken over by a tiny wealthy or powerful minority of the population, and they can end up passing laws criminalizing behaviors that the vast majority of the population don't even consider to be crimes.

The entire purpose of having a jury is that it places the final power of guilt and innocence directly in the hands of the people. Juries are meant as a final line of defense against corrupt laws passed by a minority against the wishes of the greater majority. An unaccountable elite can pass whatever ridiculous self-serving laws they want. But if the common people simply refuse to uphold those laws in the jury box, those laws are meaningless.

THAT is the purpose of a jury. It is the only reason juries are worth the trouble. A bunch of rank amateurs will never be able to judge the facts of a case better than actual trained legal scholars with years of experience. But by empowering juries, it places the final authority of the law firmly in the hands of the people. That is the value of having a jury at all.

Jury nullification is not just some strange quirk or odd loophole in our justice system. It's the entire reason we have juries in the first place.


Let's change the law to bring back the old Germanic tradition of judicial trial by combat. But make it specific to consumer and labor rights disputes. Got a beef with a company? Forget binding arbitration. You can now challenge the CEO to a one-on-one sword fight. The battle will be decided....by the blade! Legally speaking, we'll just assume the fight is in God's hands, and whatever the consumer rights or labor dispute in question, the side that survives is the automatic winner.


And yes, I realize that by proposing this, I'll probably be the first one voted into the Sea. That's fine. I'm willing to take one for the team.


Why are we'all in such a rush, anyway? If you need to talk to someone right away, we got video conferencing. If you, in an emergency, really need to move somewhere fast, there's helicopters. I say we just consign the whole 'car' idea to the dustbin of history, and just convert everything over to canals. If some insist on speed, we can consider adding a train system. But the only means of private mechanized transport must be by watercraft! That should be enough.


Let's make elections TRULY interesting. Our current system strictly prevents any vote totals from being released until the last polls have closed at the end of election day. I say we do the exact opposite. Let's publish vote totals for every election LIVE!

When you vote early or send in an absentee ballot, it may be counted early, but currently those results are held secret until the last polls close on election day. Instead, let's have states and counties publish online live running totals of votes as they come in! Also we can invest in more rapid ballot-counting equipment so that election day results can be published minute-by-minute. Election day will be a mad dash with both sides competing live against each other, against a ticking clock with live vote totals that anyone can see. In close races, both sides will be running around with their hair on fire trying to find a few more votes. You might even see elaborate vote strategies; for example one side might deliberately reserve a chunk of voters until the 11th hour, just to make their opponents overconfident.

Elections are far too boring. Let's publish live running vote totals and turn them into a spectator sport! Embrace the madness. Embrace the beautiful chaos. Turn election day into something people can watch like a sporting event. Let's publish election results as they come in!


The Planet of the Apes film franchise has single-handedly shaped entire fields of biological research. As long as it remains in the public consciousness, no biologist or geneticist will ever experiment with trying to engineer chimps and other apes to be more intelligent. Any research proposal remotely related to the topic will be immediately shot down by someone simply stating, "do you want Planet of the Apes? Because this is how you get Planet of the Apes!"


Forget grand corruption. I want to see some small-time thievery from our presidents. If we're going to have a criminal president, I want them to be less "mobster," and more "meth addict."

Become president. Procede to start a four-year personal petty crime wave. Break into people's homes to just to steal their televisions. Break into construction sites to steal copper wiring. Habitually steal catalytic converters from cars parked in the Pentagon parking lot. Offer the proceeds of your crimes to a local charity, in cash, just to break into their office at night and steal it back.

Oh, and after each crime, issue a formal pardon to yourself, completely absolving yourself of criminal liability. Also, don't forget the best part. As you embark on this wave of petty crime, you'll have Secret Service protection! So even if someone does catch you, in broad daylight, laying on a dolly under their truck, stealing their cat with a sawzall, they won't be able to even get near you! The Secret Service will prevent anyone from being able to physically stop you! Hell, you can break into people's houses at night, just to rough up the place!


We'll cover all our bases and hire people of all faiths. We'll have tens of thousands of people praying to boost our science output. It's sure to work!

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