For running, I got a smartwatch that can store some music locally, so I don't need to be connected to listen. Still not perfect, kind of a hassle to use, and doesn't always work perfectly. Almost miss those tiny iPod nanos. I feel like portable dedicated music players have gone backwards in features and usability with the rise in popularity of perpetually connected Internet devices and streaming services.
Strawman arguments aside, it seems you've already forgotten how this comment chain started. Just let it go.
This is a map enthusiast community, not a lying with statistics and graphic design community.
Postcard aesthetic isn't good enough?
It says "not to scale", which in the world of mapping means very specifically that the scale is inconsistent. An exaggerated vertical scale would not include the disclaimer for "not to scale" and is very common, as I already said. It's common for maps showing vertical reliefs like profiles or cross sections to have a horizontal scale of something like 1:20 while the vertical dimension has a scale of 1:5 or 1:10, which would still be considered "to scale". If you still can't fit everything on a single sheet, you can add a break line or a jog to indicate a discontinuity, but the map would still be "to scale". This map is "not to scale" because it says so, so the only real information we should be able to glean from it are the connections between things; size, angles, and lengths as are meaningless because that's what "not to scale" is specifically warning us about.
I didn't break out the ruler or anything, just going off of the pixelated disclaimer at the bottom.
Why bother making this at all if it's not to scale? Sure, nobody expects the horizontal scale to be the same as the vertical scale. Vertical exaggeration is common when displaying profiles or cross sections, but those are generally still considered to be at a particular scale. But, if the vertical scale isn't consistent, then what even is the point of the graphic? Just list some numbers in a table. Putting this in graphical form without a consistent scale is just lying and lazy.
In some instances that may be reasonable. But, this could just be Vegan Pot Pie. Pot pie can be made out of lots of different things, almost all of them are mostly vegetable anyway. Searching isn't really helped by adding ingredients to the title that aren't actually in the dish. And if you were going the fake-meat route, it should be "Vegan-Chicken" as a compound word, not "Vegan Chicken".
That's probably because Aldi is buying it from several different producers (processors, packagers, or bottlers. Not sure the appropriate title) that apply Aldi's branding (or whomever) to the package.
The details on some of those pointy ends would indicate otherwise. Probably just for fork like uses.