I can't stand the web app. Sync is fantastic!
The entire four years with my M3, AP has been great, except for this one specific spot on one certain overpass. It brakes for no reason, at that exact same spot every single time. Of course, I just press the accelerator to push through it. Should always be paying attention when using Autopilot anyway.
But, other side of the coin.. If people are relying on AP for long commutes, but don't use it because of a bad track record of phantom breaking for them, then I suppose it's fair they kick up a stink.
Definitely overblown in the media, however. People are of course going to pick up on it negatively, and not even read the article to fully understand how relatively minor the issue is. Bleh..
Very well out! I agree about the trade-off.
Plastics make up only about 4% of the total oil production.
I'd say oil extraction needs to be reserved for that, long term (hundreds of years). Medium term, reserved for industrial, space, commercial transportation, and rural use only. I cannot believe we're in the year twenty-fucking-twenty-three and we still have non-commercial ICE vehicles driving around metro areas in developed nations.
I'd even do a $50 founders pledge/edition or some junk like that. Let's get this rolling LJ!
My sentiments exactly! It feels like Lemmy is exploding. But like, a good explosion.
With your second paragraph there, about pasting a community's url into search, how do you subscribe so it shows on your feed?
I love trying things out early, and am an early adopter of all tech. So I jumped on that Preview button. Found 2 or 3 minor things with UI flow, which simply added more clicks than needed. So I rolled it back.
I'm sure they'll improve on it. Or I'll just get used to it.
The biggest one that bugs me is actually over on the Adobe side. Remember when "Save As" actually just opened a file explorer window showing your local files? Ah the good old days.
You know what they say about guys with big trucks. They have tiny frunks.