
joined 2 years ago
[–] WhiteRabbit_33 14 points 2 days ago

This article is a good breakdown.

The transgenic mice thing is for one of the several studies listed which I think we're justified in highlighting and poking fun of their lack of QA and reading comprehension in these releases since they're supposed to be representing the US and acting like drunken college students doing their homework the night before it's due.

The other studies are on the affects of HRT or "gender-affirming therapy" which is used by cis people all the time. Ever heard of a cis man going to get testosterone because he's concerned about his low T? That's gender affirming therapy. Most cis people don't realize how much "trans healthcare" affects them too. Some of this research is specifically on "cross sex" hormones and is probably more directly applicable to the trans community, but it also likely has broader implications on the science of hormones and side effects for everyone regardless of if they're cis or trans. This is one of several reasons why we say trans rights are human rights.

[–] WhiteRabbit_33 55 points 6 days ago (7 children)

It's more a legally gray area in the US that as far as I can find from a quick search has never been settled in court. It likely isn't worth the time for police to go after either even if it was more explicitly illegal.

That might change if there's a sudden surge in people drawing on $100 bills, but who uses $100s that often anyway? Most ATMs I used only dispense $20s. It often isn't worth the trip to the bank, and the US is unfortunately mostly cashless now.

But to be clear: fuck this fascist bullshit and resist in whatever ways you can


[–] WhiteRabbit_33 1 points 6 days ago

It isn't Friday, but always a good reminder:


[–] WhiteRabbit_33 2 points 1 week ago

Yeah, last time I checked anyway. I think it's been about a year since I last used it for that though.

[–] WhiteRabbit_33 3 points 1 week ago

It still has meaning, but the lines have become a bit blurred. They used to all have more toned down art and dry themes like Castles of Burgundy, Hansa Teutonica, Tigris & Euphrates, and Medici to name a few. Now many have better visuals and themes while still maintaining the core aspects:

  • Few luck elements where the board state can be read and strategic decisions made off that information. There can still be some luck, but you have ways of mitigating that luck or that luck affects all players relatively equally like board setup.
  • No "take that" elements where someone loses a card or board pieces or something directly or where all players can gang up on a single player. Instead "fights" are more over who gets to a space or gets a resource first and what they have to give up in order to achieve that.
  • Typically involve some sort of "engine" or build up where the decisions you made earlier in the game influence what is more valuable to you later and you see the payoff and consequences of your earlier decisions

More contemporary bgg top 100 games that I think still fit firmly in the euro category even if they have more interesting themes:

  • Beyond the Sun
  • Gaia Project
  • On Mars
[–] WhiteRabbit_33 27 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

There is so much voter suppression in the US. I didn't realize some of the more subtle ways it was suppressed until I moved to a state that has way less of it.

The US needs to end voter suppression. There are several ways of doing this but the top items: Mandate all election days (even those just at the state level) be paid holidays, automatically register all citizens to vote as soon as they turn 18, and make voting compulsory (not with punitive measures)

In Texas, the following is routine suppression other than the common nationwide suppression:
-People are often purged from voter registration even if they're an active voter and voted in the last election. If you don't check your registration months before the election, you'll think you're fine because you just voted but may show up and be told you're no longer registered.
-Voting registration is cut off 30 days before the election. This is on the high end of the cutoff and further increases chances you get purged, don't realize it in time, and then can't re-register.
-Voting registration is mail in only. You have to physically print off the form and mail it in. This takes substantially more time when the post office is no longer a common trip for most people. It could easily be an online form like it is in many states.
-Rotating polling locations and hours for early voting. If you try to vote early on a day off for instance, you may get to the polling location and realize it's only open on certain days of the week while other locations are open the full week or it has arbitrarily reduced hours on certain days. Other locations may then be much farther from that location.
-Polling locations far way from you. You may have to drive 30 minutes to 1 hour away to vote even in a city or if you don't have a car, public transit may take prohibitively long (2+ hours one way) to get to the polling location.
-Attacking mail in ballots as fraudulent and often throwing them out. Based on 2022 data, 6-20% are thrown out depending on the county.

There are so many more little things which all add up to the purpose of preventing people from voting. No wonder people don't vote or attempt to vote, can't, get discouraged or don't have more time off to vote, and give up.

Edit: Formatting

[–] WhiteRabbit_33 6 points 2 weeks ago

Volume changes based on temperature and pressure. So when we reference volume measurements like for flow rates, we typically do the math to adjust those to standard temperature and pressure. Standard pressure is 1 atm but standard temperature varies based on who you're talking to because of competing standards. It's usually 25 C or 20 C.

When we want to reference the non temperature and pressure corrected volume, we append actual to it so that people know what the measurement is. Some people don't do that and that causes confusion for others using their work if the reading is standard or actual.

[–] WhiteRabbit_33 4 points 1 month ago

Yep, we need broad sweeping data privacy laws and audits in every country for all software. Not just fear mongering over other country's software.

[–] WhiteRabbit_33 47 points 1 month ago (5 children)

I looked this up to find a source because I'd never heard it. From what I can find, it's one of a few unratified amendments, but this one was proposed in 1789. Sure would've been great if they'd have ratified something like this.


[–] WhiteRabbit_33 16 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Have you ever tried to not eat in front of people ever? Turns out it's pretty hard to do. Sometimes, if you're nice to people, you get invited to go out to eat to a place. Often those places have no vegan options, and you have to explain why you can't eat there so people don't just think you're blowing them off constantly. We don't just go around telling everyone we're vegan like all the hate memes like to say.

Most vegans I've met, myself included, don't pick fights with people about veganism. We just live by example. It'd be cool if more people went vegan, but arguing with people about doing it doesn't help. Doing that is like trying to push religion on people or make people experience empathy. It isn't easy to go vegan (getting easier at least). Food is tied to a lot of people's culture who have a hard time relearning how to cook/eat and make generational recipes or comfort foods they've always eaten.

[–] WhiteRabbit_33 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Did you also get the part about how people with stereotypical high fem gender expression who are often described as "ditzy" by a misogynistic society can be intelligent even though they like "girly" things?

That wanting to dress a certain way and naturally having a certain personality or way of speaking doesn't define who you are or what you can do or how good at your job you are?

That in a male dominated field you should be able to express yourself even though the industry wants you to conform and "tone it down" and "not be so emotional" and also smile less but not too much less or else you're "bitchy"? That diversity is good and helps bring in new ideas/perspectives?


It took me a little over a year of playing, ~1100 East games, ~400 South games, and several failed yakuman waits, but I finally got one!

Link to the game below if anyone is curious. I Yakuman in East 2 and end the game, so it's short.


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