It would be weird if they said nema.
That lion looks like it was drawn by someone who only ever heard about what lions look like.
Why did the Chief of Police in Wolfboro, NH retire?
Cordless stick vacuum. Roomba's don't do as well with ash because of the spinning brush.
Those characters aren't from Star Wars. They are from Stargate. Easy to see how you might confuse them.
The guy on the right has to fight to be allowed to serve in the military while the guy on the left was a racist draft dodger who had his movie studio buy him a deferment so he could avoid fighting and continue cheating on his wife.
Guy gets hit by truck, electrocutes himself, gets stabbed, poisoned, frozen, hanged, set on fire, and explodes in a car crash before living happily ever after.
Washington D.C. has laws against revenge porn. I believe there were more than six people present:
If the sexual image is shared with 6 or more persons through “publication,” either directly or by uploading to the Internet, then the offense is First-Degree Unlawful Publication of a Sexual Image. This is a felony offense punishable by up to 3 years in prison and/or a fine of $12,500.