I think it's not enough tension near the eyes, it's too smooth there
51 year old SQL sounding surprisingly modern for government tracks.
With 14 days after release and 2 hours of playtime you can still refund. Maybe some just see it as the current day demo? Quite easy to see if it runs well and what the playability and average response is within that time frame. Like a wishlist that reserves the cash in advance.
But if you identify yourself as secret service it might lead to a lot more questions. Federal agents is a shout I know from many a cop show. Notably NCIS, which is famous to get "NCI what?" as a response if they acronym themselves.
It is difficult to know where to start, since there have been a lot of unpopular actions. A lot of these are pretty standard for the triple A studios unfortunately. Think DRM with always online and authentication server issues, toxic workplace, decommissioned games by removing the servers for them and not giving ways for people to self host, rehashing existing properties to milk success, having their own launcher so having double layers of authentication, microtransactions, subscription based model pushing, game variants locking out certain content unless more money is payed etc.
She didn't say she was going to be involved in whatever the "next" thing ment. Might have been a heart-felt warning against vigilantes.Also, the "next" thing might well have been "...to get much needed care denied".
Legally this is so flimsy it's a waste of time. Looking at wording from politicians there's way more direct calls to violence which will never be prosecuted. In practice it shows the pull of big corporations with cops, and inconveniences the life of an already inconvenienced person.
Stickenborough is not a stick insect, they're a leaf insect, so would be called Leafenborough
"And I forgot to tape the outer most part or my handle bar, so it is just the bare metal"
My guess it is hyperfocus related. Which, looking through a few sites seems: not ADHD specific, might be found in a higher rate in people with ADHD, hasn't been researched thoroughly.
But it's also difficult to prove you didn't make it similarly 2 times. Just do some name changing, reordering and some slight changes and you should be golden.