
joined 11 months ago
[–] VelvetStorm 4 points 10 hours ago

Just some breaded pork chops. Nice and simple and good.

[–] VelvetStorm 2 points 14 hours ago

If I'm taking time off work and it's more than 1 or 2 days in a row, then a minimum of 1 month in advance is required. If I'm buying a plane ticket, then at least 2 months so I can actually afford it.

[–] VelvetStorm 2 points 14 hours ago

Well, at least that brisket was good enough for jehovah.

[–] VelvetStorm 7 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

A chair. Standing desks are good and all, but you won't want to stand every single day.

[–] VelvetStorm 4 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

Cool, but why?

[–] VelvetStorm 20 points 17 hours ago (3 children)

There was a roman emperor named Pupienus which is pronounced poopy anus

[–] VelvetStorm 5 points 18 hours ago

This just reminded me of the graffiti I saw in the park bathroom. It said "Trum! 2024" the troglodyte couldn't even spell his name right.

[–] VelvetStorm 11 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

I definitely regret some of mine. I got them when I was very naive and still believed that not only there was a god but that they were also a good and just and loving god. I would love to get them removed or covered, but they are large enough and dark enough that I would have to spend a lot of money to get them covered or removed. That being said, I am planning to get more tattoos when I have the disposable income. I want to get mushrooms and insects and stuff.

[–] VelvetStorm 3 points 18 hours ago

I stay away from what all I call bummer topics because mentally, I just can't take it anymore. I'm 38, and im already done with this life and the constant bullshit that the people in power do. So I just look at cute animals, video games, macro photography stuff, and stuff like that.

[–] VelvetStorm 1 points 2 days ago

They don't even dim for me.

[–] VelvetStorm 1 points 2 days ago

I enjoy them both. I have some zero nicotine vapes that I use from time to time, but I also enjoy my aromatics.

[–] VelvetStorm 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Got a new pipe in the mail and got some new tobacco coming in soon, so I'm excited to enjoy that at the park later while reading a book and I am considering ordering my first block meerschaum soon.


As stated in the title mark as read on scroll is not working and has never worked for me. Even on boost for reddit it never really worked. Anyone have any advice?

Redgifs won't load anymore. (self.boostforlemmy)
submitted 3 months ago by VelvetStorm to c/boostforlemmy

For some reason redgifs won't load on the app anymore and I have to open the links in a browser now. Is this a settings issue that I can't seem to figure out or did something change in the last few updates?

submitted 4 months ago by VelvetStorm to c/tenforward

I have been trying to find a reasonably priced hotjo mug for years now in the deep purple color. I saw a bunch of other colors or ones that looked close to the one I wanted but just couldn't find the exact one I wanted. Well, yesterday my wife gave me the best valentines day gift ever! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Raktajino to make.

They purposely attacked a dog (self.baldurs_gate_3)
submitted 5 months ago by VelvetStorm to c/baldurs_gate_3

So I've got some assassins that will just randomly attack me because of spoilers. Well, this time, some people came and tried to help kill the assassins, and one of them was a dog. This assassin I was fighting decided to run away from me and past another party member, taking 2 opportunity attacks in the process so they could attack and kill a dog that didn't even get a turn yet. What the fuck.


I've clicked through all the options in the settings and no matter what I click I can't seem to get YouTube videos to play in the boost app. Every time I click on one it opens my YouTube app and I don't know how to get that to stop happening. I'm on a galaxy s22 ultra if that helps.


Title says it all. I've made 3 posts and it doesn't matter what app I use or even on the desktop site I can't seem to find my own posts on my profile page. When I click on someone else's profile I can see all thier posts so idk what's going on.

Up vote on right side? (self.boostforlemmy)
submitted 9 months ago by VelvetStorm to c/boostforlemmy

Hey everyone I've looked through all the options and I didn't see anything to move the update and downvote arrows to the right hand side while keeping the pictures on the right side. I use compact and dense viewing mode. Any help would be great.

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