
joined 2 years ago
[–] TskUghPfftUhh 7 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Yeah I don't get why they felt the need to bring up spez being short (is that what they were getting at?) Seems childish. Who cares if he's not tall? What's that have to do with this..

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 3 points 2 years ago

Aww πŸ¦‹πŸ›

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

He shouldn't have to pretend to be part of a minority group in order to be treated for something.

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 6 points 2 years ago

Cancer and other life saving drugs in Canada can still be very expensive, we don't have universal drug coverage in Ontario. You can get coverage if your income is below a certain threshold (ie you are very poor) but if you don't have drug insurance here you are still fucked and can go into debt trying to stay alive or not suffer. It's better than America but it's not all sunshine and rainbows up here either.

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

That used to be one of my favourite shows! That and Beasties. I completely forget how Reboot ended the series though.

And Electrovagrant is right, there was a second show that got made but it wasn't watchable. It didn't seem at all related really, just shared the same name.

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 1 points 2 years ago

Its honestly kind of disgusting that you are accusing a victim of PTSD of lying, invalidating their mental suffering and what they've been through simply because they hold a different perspective on something from you. You should be ashamed of yourself.

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 35 points 2 years ago (1 children)

There is being considerate of other's life experiences and then there is being unreasonable. There's so many things that can trigger PTSD in people, are you suggesting we stop doing anything that may trigger someone's trauma? Some people get triggers from benign things (my mother used to suffer traumatic flashbacks from certain smells such as wet mud, I get panic attacks if someone comes up behind me and touches me, I've met someone who gets triggered by cars backfiring or balloons popping). The point is that fireworks, mud, people touching you, and backfiring cars are a part of normal life. There are a TONNE of possible triggers, we couldn't possibly avoid every one of them for every sufferer out there. It isn't up to the rest of the world to change their lives to revolve around us and our issues. It's our own responsibility to try to cope and deal with our problems as best we can. It sucks. I say this as someone who suffers from severe PTSD/agoraphobia among a number of other mental health issues that I have been working on for many years. It's really unfair that this has happened to us but it's also not fair to expect everyone else in the neighbourhood to stop having fun because we are sadly conditioned to have a traumatic response to something.

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Halve the amount of coconut oil and salt and it's pretty healthy again. I'm not positive but I think salt is only unhealthy when you have specific health issues related to sodium intake. And isn't coconut oil supposed to be a healthier fat.

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 5 points 2 years ago

You are temporarily blind and deaf whenever you begin to fly

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 2 points 2 years ago

I'm jealous of that person's penmanship

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 2 points 2 years ago

This made me smile. Does that dude's bike get stolen? I can't tell if it's the original rider that gets back on and rides away.

[–] TskUghPfftUhh 1 points 2 years ago

No it does not cover everything, and it'll vary province to province what is covered. In Ontario, things like dental and vision care are not covered. Pretty much anything that happens in a hospital is covered, so if you have surgery and they give you medication while in the hospital it's free. But if they prescribe you something and send you home, you pay for it (like with certain expensive cancer drugs). But if you want a private room that will cost you extra (if you have insurance they may cover it), if one is even available. Our current hospital situation is really bad, it's overloaded and nurses and doctors are leaving and burnt out. Years ago I fainted and someone called an ambulance and I was charged 100 bucks for the ride, it was deemed unnecessary or something so I got charged. I was really young and it was a long time ago so I can't remember exactly. But I've heard others haven't been charged for ambulance rides so it's a case by case basis I suppose. Basically life saving care for emergency stuff like your appendix is about to burst will be covered by OHIP but if you have something like a tooth abscess or need glasses you will have to use insurance or pay out of pocket. For example, bariatric surgery is covered, but there is a very strict guideline for qualifying, otherwise you need to pay it yourself. Pharmaceuticals are not covered unless you are poor and qualify for the Trillium drug coverage that Ontario offers. Our system is far, far from perfect but I would take it over the US's current system anyday.

submitted 2 years ago by TskUghPfftUhh to c/rainbow

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