This bug has been around for a while. It's apparently reliably repeatable if you know how to manipulate it, but I haven't looked into it too much myself. For context, I've been playing Phas on and off since 2020.
They're effectively visual novels with light gameplay mechanics for navigation or making some narrative path choices. At least, that's how I felt about Until Dawn.
I want to see his diagrams, or at least photos of the infrastructure.
I can't imagine the heat buildup in that room after an hour if the infrastructure is all powered on at once.
Hell yeah! These were really fun for me to play as a kid, and I did like the Raptor ending in particular, but I always wanted a bit more, given how much effort it took to get to the end. Especially the Grant campaign.
As a kid, though, I just wish the map would change and display the next level on the map once you finished the third stage. Even if you couldn't pick your route anymore, it was always frustrating not really getting to see my progress after that point.
The subtle difference between their voices is the crying.
I played it a bit a decade or so ago. I never really got the hang of the main, game-defining mechanic; one of the main methods of movement in the world was to jump from a high point and build momentum while gliding to get higher, but that was also the main way to deal damage, iirc. It was very strange.
As for the crassness, the original Worms game had a self-destruct attack that was about as direct, iirc.
Trump's pick for Vice President. I didn't know who he was until he was announced, either.
Not to add to the whataboutism, but don't forget how the US firebombed Tokyo.
"Don't make perfect the enemy of good" essentially says that it's better to do what you can in the short term to reduce harm or make positive change than to wait for the perfect solution and do nothing in the meantime. The idea is that the good is still going to help some people while we wait for the perfect solution to the problem- which, crucially, may never come, or come too late for a whole bunch of people.
One example would be letting a parent having their kid eat fast food instead of a perfectly healthy diet because their parents live in a food desert; not ideal, but it'll keep the kid fed and alive.
The Innsmouth people may like it.
Tax evasion on top of the other illegal activity can increase the consequences if you're caught. They tend to require warrants before divulging information to other authorities, however any information gathered through legal means can be used against you.
The main benefit of reporting the income is to reduce the likelihood that somebody gets suspicious of the change in buying habits and starts in investigation in the first place.
That claim is such a pet peeve of mine. That's not even how our eyes work, and it's demonstrably untrue.
It can even be proven false by rapidly moving the mouse cursor across the screen very quickly and the lack of motion blur.