How else can it radiate so bright? 🌞
Hey! We do good work with our popularity <3
Good work?
A ton of similar communities on sites like reddit aren't so supportive. Like many mentally ill communities, they feed off of their worst instincts instead of their best. That may be rewarding, but it also convinces people that they can continue being horrible to themselves.
I'm really proud of everyone here for not wallowing in our self hatred. I want us to be open about our struggles and insecurities, but I also hope we can offer a helping hand to each other as well. We can't be perfect, but we can try our best to be good.
I can't and won't force people to "get help," because I know it doesn't work like that. The only person who can save oneself is oneself. Our life is our responsibility, not just because that's how it should be, but because that's how it truly works. We can only get what we give at most, so I want to make sure people get a fair exchange while they're here.
Good thing there's no profit motive to self hosting for Linux users, leftists, and queer people! (I know that's a ven diagram that's basically a circle :3)
They didn't suggest we do anything about it
Pretty tasteless comment tbh
CEOs are delicious
Many bosses would react similarly to this shitty drawing as a lewd drawing. Seeing this on a coworker's screen would certainly make me uncomfortable.
I personally resolve the problem by throwing out the concept of fault and blame. The cause of the bad incident is not being conscientious enough, so we ought to be conscientious and learn what to be conscientious about. It doesn't matter who's fault it is, only that we work to minimize such risk.
As we learn of the dangers in life, we should take them into consideration as best we can. We should set aside time and plan for mitigation measures like putting tools away.
Unfortunately for us, efficiency incentivizes us to not do this. If you aren't immoral and reckless, you get supplanted by people that are. We need then need to set aside more of our time to work against those who endanger lives. If this isn't done, the world reverts to a state of nature with no social contract, formal or otherwise.
Wait, today isn't Monday...
What if the nuts are removed? 😥
The most likely hetero explanation is that they're different genders ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tbf, some children's shows are disturbing af. At the same time, I'm just not good with poo. I'll watch irl gore like it's nothing, but feel sick when I see fecal play. "2 girls, 1 cup" didn't become infamous for simply being lewd.