
joined 2 years ago
[–] TommySalami 8 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

I agree with this. I use the phrase essentially as "this is the reality" to either set a baseline, or just a different way to say c'est la vie. It frustrates me when people say it's always a dismissive phrase, because when I am dissmive with it I'm not doing so in a negative way. There's something to be said about letting little inconveniences lie and fade away.

[–] TommySalami 23 points 10 months ago (4 children)

You know what, I'm here for it. Anytime I hear about the cicadas coming back it's always over the top dread. People freak out, and there's so much acting like seeing a cicada is going to grind life to a halt. Everyone seems to lean into the bit.

The fact that the growing answer to the cicadas this year is a wildly different "fuck it, we'll eat them and then they can't get us" could not be more beautiful to me.

[–] TommySalami 1 points 11 months ago

I think it is definitely a weird "first world" thing. I've run into it a couple times on a personal level, and just about a week or so ago I got a "wait, you're an android person??? Ugh" when trading numbers with someone for a work thing (as in this is the first time I was meeting this person, and the interaction was entirely "professional"). This is all separate from the friends I have that play it up as joke, since I'm one of the only people with an android in the group.

Idk what the kids are doing, but it's absolutely a thing for some people in their twenty's and beyond.

[–] TommySalami 5 points 11 months ago

I haven't seen it because I have the opposite problem.

I can relate to that. I'm one of those people who won't even squash bugs, and even heavy-handed, poorly written emotional moments in movies can make me tear up because I'll inevitably find something in there that speaks to me. Shits wild compared to my friends and family

[–] TommySalami 26 points 11 months ago (8 children)

There's gotta be some crazy scam that will work on me that I've never heard of. Every time a new one comes around its always something that throws a ton of red flags out the whole way. They have to be just catching people with particular blind spots

[–] TommySalami 1 points 11 months ago

I think there is something to be said about waiting for volumes to release. I'm a little too impatient for that, but it has to be the best way to read it.

[–] TommySalami 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

There are over a hundred million working adults in the US, and all of them with their own opinions and needs. Many of them completely out of touch with the world outside of their bubble, and some who even approve of the current trajectory. The idea of organizing a generalized strike is a complete pipe dream. I'd love to see it, but we are nowhere even close to that. We must work with reasonable, attainable solutions.

[–] TommySalami 8 points 11 months ago

They're terrified of seeming political, or making a mistake that will let him walk. Republicans have stacked the courts with people who barely grasp US law, and certainly have no respect for it, and the Democrats have put up glorified bureaucrats. We need a judge willing to force the issue and say "if you were anyone else this behavior would land you jail awaiting trial, so that's where you're going.", Or I dunno, maybe stop giving breaks with fines. Let the morons whine and cry about being biased, or an activist judge; make the USSS have to coordinate with corrections to maintain protection while being held. Show this isn't a game. Prove that you have some conviction when it comes to the rule of law in the US. History would look kindly on the person who chose the make the right call when it wasn't easy.

I feel like a broken record with how much I've said this in the last handful of years, but: someone needs to be the fucking adult in the room.

[–] TommySalami 2 points 11 months ago

It's not the first time, at least. If I remember right the monster association arc had some major changes, and the entire end of the garou fight was changed.

At this point I'm pretty confident I remember a different version of OPM than whatever canon is.

[–] TommySalami 15 points 11 months ago (1 children)

The idea the my life is so low stress that I can enjoy simple pleasures? That's the dream.

[–] TommySalami 7 points 11 months ago

I used to think this way, until I tried writing more sci-fi and I kept running into weird moral quandaries trying to keep stuff realistic on a human level. I genuinely don't think there will ever be a threat that could rally all of humanity at this point. Not only because I don't believe aliens are a thing we'll ever experience, but also because everything I've seen points to people being too chaotic. Even the perfect enemy (some bugs that just want to kill us all) would have humans helping them out, a contingent of people who think the whole thing is a deep fake, and a multitude of people preying on the flawed reality of those groups and others to horde whichever resource (money, food, manpower, etc.). That's before you even get into the various well-intentioned factions that would form around a variety of "best" approaches to the issue.

I'm not even saying this in a doomer kind of way, I'm rather optimistic and believe we tend to stumble forward. I'm just saying the rally around the flag moment for humanity feels like a total fantasy.

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