Now your mom has to turn her oxygen off before she can light up.
Texas Instruments of mass destruction.
Geez, the Greeks are a surly bunch.
Does he ever shut up?
I grew up in Nassau County. It (and the rest of Long Island) are way more conservative than you'd expect given the proximity to NYC. But that's not unusual in New York, most cities are staunchly blue, but the suburbs and rural areas red.
I almost forgot this was still on TV. It used to be one of my favorite shows but I haven't watched an episode in years.
Where has The Verge been this year that this is news?
Ukraine is right to worry about the end of US aid. TFG is definitely not on their side.
Twitter is not a public service/utility. You shouldn't rely on it for important, factual informatilon.
Phony Stark, I don’t like using Elmo. I love the real Elmo.
I can assure you he doesn't feel "slammed".