
joined 2 years ago
[–] Thrillhouse 25 points 6 months ago (4 children)

I don’t understand how Israel’s excuses always boil down to Hamas was hiding there.

Israel’s population does compulsory military service, does that make them all IDF and fair game as a military target? Of course not. So why is “Hamas = Everywhere” a valid excuse when “IDF = Everywhere” isn’t.

[–] Thrillhouse 47 points 6 months ago

This headline is biased towards Trump.

It’s inviting right wingers to think that Gold Star families should be able to do whatever the hell they want and isn’t it sad that they had to get the Speaker to intervene.

Reality: Trump’s team is manufacturing fake outrage over gold star families visiting Arlington when the campaign was insistent on breaking the rules.

[–] Thrillhouse 16 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

CNN has shifted to the right since their acquisition. I used to be ok with it but the quality of discourse, which wasn’t amazing in the first place, has declined to the point where it’s pretty unwatchable.

For example, Kaitlin Collins is a competent journalist, but she’s clearly been given a bigger role to appeal to right-wing viewers. Her background was the Daily Caller, I believe. Hardly a reputable institution, and I do question the integrity of someone who would work there in the first place. And she’s still one of the better ones.

They’re running an absolute clinic on how to tank a brand.

[–] Thrillhouse 35 points 6 months ago

And he has his mom right there who is actively participating and like giving him questions.

[–] Thrillhouse 103 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Good for the woman who was attacked to maintain composure. That must have been really hard. From the article:

Spring said she understood it was critical that she remained composed even while being attacked.   

"I wanted to make sure I acted appropriately so that I could keep my job because the script could have been flipped at any time if I had retaliated," Spring said

It’s so heartbreaking that the bolded part is systemic racism. Like she can’t defend herself because that terrible white woman would have pretended to be the victim? Fuck all of that and fuck that white girl.

[–] Thrillhouse 2 points 6 months ago

Here’s a gift link:

Also there are some libraries that give away NYT subscriptions. You gotta google around but you can find them. Some of them don’t even require membership for the code.

[–] Thrillhouse 7 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I really don’t think Netanyahu and his genocide cabinet would stop even if they stopped receiving weapons and/or funding. You could prosecute under the ICC but he’s not going to attend any sort of trial. Sanctions will likely never happen.

I’m not saying what the west (it’s not just the US) is doing is right in backing Netanyahu’s cabinet. What I am saying is this leader’s actions are a prime example of evil if I’ve ever seen it in my lifetime.

What happened to Israel on Oct. 6 was evil beyond comprehension. It is not ok to genocide a whole population on that basis.

Additionally, it’s disheartening that Trump would be even worse amid reports he’s counseled the Israeli PM to avoid a ceasefire for his own political aspirations. Dangerous fascist dictators flock together, it would seem.

[–] Thrillhouse 9 points 6 months ago

Probably scared someone’s gonna dig up a photo where he looks happier on his couch.

[–] Thrillhouse 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Ehhh he is a horrendous abuser - not just to Lorena. Sounds like karma.

[–] Thrillhouse 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Our parties are more left leaning than US ones, yeah. So the left-most leaning party, the NDP is the Bernies and AOCs. Just slightly to the right of them but not by much are the centre-left (some could argue centre, for Canada) Liberals aka US Dems but these are still left of the US Dems. Then you have the Conservatives who used to be centre right but they’re really flirting with being firmly right which is STILL to the left of the US Repubs. So yeah, we’re pretty left.

Here’s a good breakdown someone wrote on the other site:

There's a Daily Show from back in the Stewart days when Harper's Conservatives won the federal election in Canada. The line went something like:

"Right wing parties are winning everywhere! In Canada, the Conservative Party, or as we'd know it here, the Gay Rainbow Alliance, has won their election."

If that gives you any idea.

The NDP are mostly in-line with the further left of the Dems, but realistically, the Liberals are only slightly more towards the centre than them. The Conservatives are historically right of centre, but still left of most of the American center. That was largely true before the Progressive Conservatives failed, merged with the Reform party, and became the Conservative Party of Canada.

That said, the Conservative parties have been moving further right in recent years. Some of this was because their supporters were generally finance, oil, large corporations, etc., so the policies they pushed forward were usually beneficial to them. But more recently they've been pursuing a lighter version of US-style populism. Mostly though, their platform for the past 3 leaders seems to be "aren't you sick of Trudeau yet?" because they don't have much substance in anything else they claim to support.

[–] Thrillhouse 4 points 6 months ago

They need to pay some lip service to progressives for now to get elected.

AIPAC’s funding casts doubt on how progressive the Dems are allowed to be in the long term.

[–] Thrillhouse 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (3 children)

Yes thank you. It didn’t read as natural - that’s the word.

It’s disheartening that one can’t disagree on this topic without being eaten alive. I’m not saying elect Donald Trump and the couchfucker or anything ffs. Plus, I’m Canadian - so probably more left leaning than any US Dem - and as I’ve expressed, I really want the US to get their shit together.

I’ve done Toastmasters. I’m a writer for a living. I know how to give feedback on speeches. I also acknowledged that not every speech is received the same way by every viewer.

I’m not even saying she’s bad - I’m just saying she could be GREAT with more practice. I don’t understand why this is a shocking thing to say.

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