This sounds like a lot of fun ngl
An eventual nice addition would be to have markup information in the reply section, but all good things take time. I’m sure they’ll get there eventually.
Do I need a VPN ~~for this~~?
Would it not be wise to back up to more modern physical media as well, i.e. an external hard drive or at least a USB drive or heck, even a folder on your computer? I would never ever trust any cloud-or-internet based service with being the sole backup for anything of personal value.
Oh, you
Does adding rocks to a rock make it rockier, or harder? Does it become a rocky rock?
You’re measuring a quality of the two objects, not the quantity, which might make a difference. I’m just sharing something I learned that I think is cool:)
I mean, Cantor said so, not I. But an easy example
Imagine a list of all whole numbers. 1, 2, 3 on up and up. Obviously this list is infinite - numbers do not end.
Now imagine a list of all real numbers - that is, all numbers plus their decimal amounts between each while number. 1, 1.1, 1.11, 1.12, 2, 2.1, and so on. This list is also infinite - but it is also inherently larger than the infinite list of only whole numbers. It has more numbers.
Fun fact: you can have multiple sets of infinities and even though all are infinite, that does not mean they are all equal. See Georg Cantor.
Or were far more accomplished at hiding their crookedness and knowing when not to be a public jackass.
This should be in the sidebar so the lore isn’t lost.