You just gave me something learn this holiday weekend. Thanks!
If I knew how to do that, I would. I support your endeavor 1000%, though. Flood that bitch.
And enabling authoritarian regimes to do what they want is the right thing to do? Fuck you.
Nothing like "America First" by destabilizing the dollar.
Oh, that's just dandy to hear. I'm guessing they are so demoralized that they aren't going to do anything about it.
Did you have a stroke?
Edit: You literally worship a grown man who shits his diapers.
Which has nothing to do with your mental illness at the moment, champ.
You really had to make an alt account for your pathetic trolling?
You shouldn't believe a goddamn word from anyone in this administration.
That's the shit that gets me, too. They're literally just letting everything happen. It feels fucking hopeless.
Tastier than lab grown hole.