
joined 2 years ago
[–] TheGrandNagus 2 points 5 hours ago

Imagine my shock.

[–] TheGrandNagus 6 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

You're right. People say "1984" to mean "dystopia" or "things I don't like about modern society".

Tangentially related, there was a survey a while back that found most people who say they have read 1984 haven't actually read it. So that may be part of it.

Personally, if we're going with the classic dystopian novels, I think we're more aligned with:

  • The anti-intellectualism/distraction from the real issues like we see in Fahrenheit 451. Arguably we have already started the book-burning. (Tbf, there's also practically no pre-big brother material in 1984, so clearly they went down the same route, although Orwell didn't go into that as deeply as Bradbury)

  • Keeping people docile with an endless stream of entertainment content and consumerism like in Brave New World.

...than we are with the "Oppression through fear and brainwashing from an all-powerful, all-seeing government" that we see in 1984.

But even then there are significant differences. E.g. unlike in Brave New World, there's no government-provided Soma drug to further placate us. Well, not unless you believe the chemtrail conspiracy theories lol

[–] TheGrandNagus 7 points 1 day ago

Jesus, they can't win

[–] TheGrandNagus 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

My birthday today too, although I'm unfortunately not 25...

I didn't have a PS2 (Dreamcast and Xbox in my household), but I do remember frequently staying at my cousin's house and playing NFS, GTA, Simpsons hit and run, and SpongeBob battle for bikini bottom on his

[–] TheGrandNagus 56 points 1 day ago

UEFI came out in like 2005 and was standard on basically all new PC motherboards from around 2012

Tbh I'm shocked generations before this still had official BIOS support

[–] TheGrandNagus 9 points 1 day ago

I believe it's a must for store-bought PCs, but it can be installed on BIOS systems manually

[–] TheGrandNagus 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Skwawkbox have repeatedly lied in the past (and in this very article), so I'm not inclined to believe them here, they are a pro-Russia rag, after all. In addition they've been successfully sued for lying before.

Is there a better source alleging that? Because I can't find it anywhere.

It’s the same legal standard that means if your mom sells crack, you aren’t automatically a crack dealer also.

Except it's not something his "mom" did (nice job showing off you're not a British commenter, btw. Just another person sowing discord on political forums), it's something he did. At a minimum he visited and spent time with a proscribed terrorist group.

I'll ask again: if someone has dealings with terrorist groups, or visits Russian generals, do you think it's unreasonable for the police to ask them some questions?

Why are you so reluctant to accept Hezbollah are a terrorist group?

E: FFS, I'm talking to a 2 week old account who has almost exclusively posted anti-Ukraine comments. I really need to check for these things before I reply. There will be no further discussion with you, Dimitri 🇷🇺

[–] TheGrandNagus 73 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Over time as 3D printers go from tinkerer's toy to household staple, I'd expect them to become more locked down and anti-consumer.

[–] TheGrandNagus 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

They're an absolute rag, aren't they.

Every piece of theirs I see here is some anti-Ukraine hitpiece, or apologist bullshit for terror groups that would love to see us dead and have repulsive attitudes towards women and LGBT people.

I would not feel safe in a room alone with a Skwawkbox writer.

It's quite disheartening to see Lemmy isn't as progressive as I thought.

[–] TheGrandNagus -1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Being involved with a proscribed terrorist group, on account of attending the funeral of their leader and putting messages of support on social media. That's in addition to other smoking guns like being paid by Iranian state media.

I'm not sure why you're having difficulty understanding this. Hezbollah is a terrorist group.

And suspected by the police. That's who investigate crime, silly billy. Who were you expecting to be questioning him, Batman?

[–] TheGrandNagus -1 points 2 days ago (4 children)

He literally is suspended of a crime. Hezbollah is a proscribed terrorist group. You can't just pop in and visit them without raising eyebrows of the police, so Miller is rightly being questioned.

[–] TheGrandNagus 5 points 2 days ago

Libadwaita looks pretty great 🤷

I set dark mode, choose a wallpaper, change a couple of keyboard shortcuts, and I'm done.

where did it go (
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