You got me hungry, I wonder if it would be like eating an aged veal? 🤔
Much cheaper than Amazon and Vudu to rent.
True, but you just named two major parties pushing for Redbox’s death.
Don’t stop defending, the internet needs more users like you.
The world is where it is due to the sociopathic belief, lie now, figure out how to put out the fire later.
Also when a company uses marketing tactics in response to a hacking allegation they are usually bullshitting
Bingo. They want the hackers to think they have nothing, when in reality they’re crapping themselves to find the cheapest solution with little media attention. This is another reminder the business worlds focus on ever-increasing market value is a little like autoerotic asphyxiation. Once you start, you know eventually there’s only one way it will end for you.
These ideas are always so poorly thought out, they only net the chunk of the population not smart enough at the start to bypass. Eventually the idea they spent billions on, promoting flops hard as a large chunk of the population bypasses and the system in a week. It was pissing in the wind, like Brexit, Video game violence or the fight against music piracy.
If you go through life believing that people are never intentionally doing harm, you are setting yourself up for nefarious characters. Instead, we should behave as it people are not intentionally doing harm (until inculpatory evidence is demonstrated) while reserving judgement on intentions.
Last week I found my old boxed copy of Civilization 2 for the PC in near mint condition. But there was so much dust, I almost had an asthma attack lol.
Which is sad, but should remind some people it was a similar situation regarding the French Revolution. The less you have, the less you have to lose.
Great, now companies are going to start introducing it to their foods to increase their profits…
I have to say, all that work makes the meat sound tastier to me lol.