We used to use them to farm and sell gold and rare items in an online game that I won't mention because I'm afraid it will restart my addiction.
God damn. It's not often something online can make me laugh so hard I nearly fall off my couch sober. My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give.
Stella Immanuel, the doctor down the road from me. It's a good pick because she's insane, she's a woman, she's a person of color, and she's an immigrant. So she'll be a multiple token to "prove" how he's not against any of those people.
There's nothing wrong with Cajun seasoning! I used to use either Tony's or Cavender's on stuff for years because I had a busy lifestyle, didn't always have the give a shit to mix my own spices, and early on I didn't really have the knowledge to know what was good yet. I'm just in a place where it makes sense for me and I'm very happy with it.
By the way, if you're looking for something pretty good that isn't Cajun seasoning, check out Kinder "The Blend". It's a legit SPG.
I've been making an SPG blend for a while on and off based on proportions my buddy used for his brisket rub. Sometime last year he started keeping a whole jar of it on hand and seasoning everything savory with it rather than just using salt when it's called for. The biggest difference between his and mine is that he uses sea salt and I use regular table salt. The flavor is slightly different and I don't get the big crystals, but it's still pretty great.
He turned me into a believer. I've started keeping my own jar and that's my base spice for everything. Chicken, fish, beef, pork, veggies, whatever. Most things get extra like paprika, chili powder, oregano, parsley, or whatever the meat calls for, but everything gets at least those three. Even my homemade mayo gets it, which means it goes on all my sandwiches as well.
Spoken like a person who doesn't even know how to get their kid unlimited money. You're just mad that you can't marry that perfect ball of plastic surgery and hatred.
I totally get it, and the truth is that none of us really know how we'd react if it's not us in the situation. We can only guess.
I'd like to think being ridiculously wealthy wouldn't change me but we all see how most rich folks act. I'd like to think I'd spend my time in that gilded cage gaining skills and stocking up on money so that once I'm free I'll have a life of relative ease. However, I don't know that and I suspect I'd have done nothing of the sort. But it's nice to dream.
Maybe that's his plan. He doesn't like the prenup and wants to marry that ghoul Loomer so he's doing this to get her deported and the marriage annulled. Then he'll use government money to put on a huge wedding and try to have a baby immediately. Everyone knows if you're president when you have a kid the government is on the hook for support. Unlimited money!!!
It's 12-D chess!!!1!
Have you tried selling pictures of your feet? A lot of folks are mad that they can't but they haven't even tried yet.
But, to be honest, I'm pretty sad that I couldn't marry for money. I would have made an amazing trophy husband in my youth.
I was on call 24/7 for years. It's been a long time since I had to deal with that (with a slide into a related career rather than changing careers) but I will never forget how terrible it was. I wasted what should have been my best years on that shit.
Now there's only one person at work who has my number. He doesn't call except for the one time I forgot to put my day off on the calendar. My work apps are paused at 5pm and all weekend. I only get alerts on my computer. However, I still twitch sometimes when my phone goes off after hours because it was a learned and deeply reinforced response for so many years.
There nothing shameful about a man getting choked by Dick in the shower.