
joined 1 year ago
[–] TexasDrunk 4 points 3 months ago

No, no, that person has convinced me. Plus they're very handsome. You can't just come in and say things to unconvince me!

[–] TexasDrunk 12 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I take your point, and you're absolutely correct in that if you'd have never spent that $100 on whatever whizzy gadget you're looking at then you didn't save a penny no matter how good the sale is.

However, life is more than mere survival. If I were to buy something that I was going to get anyway then that's money saved even if it's not an immediate need. The caveat being that I hate "lightning deals" and other short time sales (damn you Musician's Friend and your Stupid Deal of the Day) because in the past I spent a lot of money that I didn't have trying to get a deal on something that I didn't take the time to properly research and wouldn't ever use.

[–] TexasDrunk 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Gibson has sued everyone who came close to their body style. They did win back in the day over the "open book" headstock (the mustache looking top). They're super litigious. I don't see them winning this for a variety of reasons, number one being that I don't think there are really guitars.

I love how Mr. America First keeps endorsing inferior shit made overseas. This is one hundred percent one of the hundreds of LP knockoffs that you can get for a couple of hundred bucks apiece if you buy in bulk on Alibaba with garbage pickups, sharp frets, and terrible glue joints. Probably an extra hundred bucks for the inlay and "paint job".

Except I bet they paid for a couple of them and that's all they actually had made. One to show, one to put up on their wall, and the rest are "sold" and never fulfilled with a kickback to the grifter in chief. If someone actually pays the $11,000 or whatever for one with Trump's signature they'll order a few with the signature already stamped over the clear coat (not actually signed! shocker!) for the same couple of hundred bucks, kick back 30% to trump, and keep $6000 per idiot who wants to put that on their wall.

Edit: What in the chicken fried fuck is a "Trumpbucker" pickup?

[–] TexasDrunk 4 points 3 months ago

What do you mean? I told you that you convinced me. What else do you want?

[–] TexasDrunk 21 points 3 months ago

We call it "sperm saver".

[–] TexasDrunk 9 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Your strong, well thought out, and cogent argument has convinced me!

[–] TexasDrunk 6 points 3 months ago

My parents taught me that if I didn't want to see something that someone was doing I need to look elsewhere. It ain't my business.

They're both religious, but they have talked shit about the bigotry in their church for as long as I can remember. They never understood why I abandoned religion. However, Mom did eventually tell me "As long as you're a good person I'm not going to press you on it. At least you didn't turn out to be a jackass like ."

I wish more people viewed their religion like that instead of viewing it like that jackass.

[–] TexasDrunk 30 points 3 months ago (8 children)

I have upvoted you because I like your username.

[–] TexasDrunk 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I hope the fish I catch this weekend are that fucking high.

[–] TexasDrunk 4 points 3 months ago

I remember playing that when it was Nexuiz (the first time). I may have to crank it up again now that I've been reminded of it.

[–] TexasDrunk 7 points 3 months ago

Since I contract my work through my own one man company, I technically meet all his requirements. However, I can promise you I'm not the guy he's talking about because I'm not fucking over workers.

[–] TexasDrunk 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

All we are is dust in the wind, dude.

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