I loved the first couple before I stopped playing games entirely for a decade. But I was a console player and didn't have to think about things like this.
And this is the hundred year anniversary. It has been on in many American households since 1947, the first year that it was televised.
Sure thing! I had an older one before my current emulation setup. It worked really well.
If you want an SNES that's going to take a while, but it's definitely findable. If you want a device that can play SNES cartridges (along with many others) look into getting a Retron. It's got NES, SNES, GBA, Genesis, Famicom, Super Famicom, and Gameboy plus a place to plug in those old controllers.
Weird how all these companies are universally hated but insist people don't switch because they're awesome.
The vice president elect said people with kids should get more votes. The next step in that slippery slope is to have control of your grown-ass kid's votes until they know how to "vote properly".
Didn't Comcast change their consumer name to Xfinity because they were so universally hated? CenturyLink comes in at the top of a lot of the "most hated" lists as well. They own what used to be Level 3 who, shockingly, were also pretty much hated by everyone who had to use them.
That's gonna fucking hurt.
I prefer Star Trek: The Pepsi Generation.
Yep. And TODAY is the fucking time to talk about it. We just came off an election where a lot of folks were feeling bad about their choices.
I'm pretty sure you're right. That's why I prefer to use this because there's no misunderstanding.