
joined 2 years ago
[–] Tedesche 3 points 2 days ago

So that’s what flying saucers are….

[–] Tedesche 1 points 3 days ago

I agree. It succeeded as a history lesson, but part of that success was it being boring as fuck.

Felt the same way about Contagion. Very realistic depiction of how a pandemic plays out. And I cared about exactly zero characters and can’t even really remember what happens because it’s narrative was totally un-gripping.

[–] Tedesche 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

People (including campaigning politicians) can genuinely believe democracy is on the line but refuse to be the one that ends it by refusing to give up power themselves when they fairly lose to their opponent. There is absolutely nothing wrong or illogical about that. If Trump refuses to leave office in four years it will be him ending democracy in the U.S. even though he got there by democratic means. This is usually how dictators get into power; a dumb, frightened populace hands it to them.

[–] Tedesche 7 points 4 days ago

There is no live-action movie in Ba Sing Se.

[–] Tedesche 10 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Grace was only ever a lie you were told as an impressionable child.

Except for Grace Evans, who gave head for weed behind the 7/11. She was real. Still is. Runs that 7/11 now.

[–] Tedesche 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I would argue the examined Christmas is hard to celebrate.

[–] Tedesche 1 points 4 days ago

They’d both been making public statements of caution for months prior to the election. People didn’t listen, so now we’re here. Biden and Harris are not responsible for this. We are.

[–] Tedesche 1 points 4 days ago (5 children)

There’s nothing wrong with peacefully handing over power to a person that won both the electoral and popular votes this time around.

We get what we fuckin’ deserve.

[–] Tedesche 14 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (7 children)

I’m from NYC and I can tell you, this headline is in no way an exaggeration. The New York City government is in total freefall. There is no more gravity holding things together. Our court system doesn’t function anymore. Our government is “violently disintegrating,” and innocent bystanders are getting vaporized in the process. There is no rule of law, no functioning governing body; it’s Mad Max out here and New Jersey is clinking champagne glasses while we burn. The movie “The Warriors” is now a documentary.

[–] Tedesche -3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

They do to people with poor discipline/self-control/bad judgment.

[–] Tedesche 9 points 1 week ago

Mouth noises and ASMR stuff. Makes me want to break things. Condition’s called misophonia.


Please, tell me again why we need the president to have the power to pardon as a check on our judicial system….

submitted 2 months ago by Tedesche to c/videos

There's a version without the menu tiles too! https://nickbers.artstation.com/projects/xYXQ6Y


I'm a big fan of this guy's work. His previous films include The Witch, The Lighthouse, and The Northman.


If you skip the introduction and don't watch the Q&A afterwards, the presentation is just under an hour. A very good watch, IMO. Interested in what people think.


Hi, all.

As should be news to no one, polarization and animosity between conservatives and liberals is at one of its all-time highs in America right now. There's even talk of a second civil war looming. Obviously, there are strong passions and convictions on both sides, and people on both sides have claimed that the other is a grave threat to the integrity of the nation itself. I'm familiar with the views and concerns of my own side: we view Donald Trump's (and his allies' and supporters') statements and actions as being an attack on the democratic process that defines our nation, and are worried that the strategies and tactics he and they are employing will make future elections farcical, paving the way for an authoritarian state (a dictatorship). I am less familiar with why conservatives feel Democrats and liberals are a threat to the nation and its integrity in similar fashion. My best guess is that conservatives buy Trump's assertions that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, and thus might have similar fears as liberals do, but I also get the sense conservatives have deeper, older concerns than this, and that Trump was/is viewed as a solution to them.

Can you please try to articulate here what those fears are? And, to any liberals reading this, please refrain from answering in conservatives' stead. I'm interested in their opinions, not your opinions of their opinions.


Four Republican backbencher candidates who failed to qualify for the first 2024 GOP presidential debate this week slammed the Republican National Committee over its rules, with multiple contenders calling them “rigged.”

IMMIGRANTS! (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by Tedesche to c/memes

Easily my favorite quote from Mallory Archer.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Tedesche to c/conservative

Curious what conservatives think about this development.


I just stumbled upon this video and it brought back a lot of childhood memories. The creator's channel features a bunch of other HD remakes of old games too.

submitted 1 year ago by Tedesche to c/videos

Posting this because I think it's an interesting examination of the overlap (or lack thereof) between atheists and general skeptics. It's worth remembering that the term 'atheism' only means a rejection of theistic beliefs; non-theistic beliefs that are nonetheless irrational and unsupported by evidence are not relevant to the term. And yet one can easily see why there is an overlap between these two communities and why many atheists scoff at other atheists who profess belief in things like astrology, ghosts, reincarnation, etc.

I'm definitely one of those who doesn't believe in anything supernatural, but I've certainly met atheists who do. It's worth remembering the two groups aren't synonymous.

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