"THIS IS NOT WAR. THIS IS PEST CONTROL!" -- ~~Dalek Supreme~~ Donald J. Trump
Every package I've gotten via DHL was fulfilled by USPS, though. Do they even have the infrastructure to handle their own deliveries?
Took me a reread to realize the two security officers are named Jim and Bob.
Space Jim's got a point about the lighting though...
The fact that Biden didn't immediately take advantage of that to purge the court for being blatant enemies of the republic was appalling.
That should have been obvious when they declared the president king.
I saw a claim once that PTSD only really became a thing as a result of the increased tempo of modern warfare. Supposedly, prior to industrialization the fact that armies had to march on foot to get anywhere gave soldiers time to decompress in between battles. I don't quite fully agree, since you absolutely can be traumatized by a single event, but on the face of it experiencing multiple events in a short span certainly wouldn't help. shrugs
True, although personally I think "America didn't give enough of a shit to do even the bare minimum of voting" is no less damning.
Gotta admit, I wasn't expecting him to actually follow through with that.
If Biden really was worried about democracy he had 6 months of Roberts approved blanket immunity to actually do something about it.
Is this a custom paint job, or part of the ecopla line?
It gets better; that's my work laptop, and it also doubles as my cutting board.
Might have misattributed the quote, but this was definitely something that the Cult of Skaro said to Cybermen during either the 9th or 10th Doctor runs.