Corporate media doesn't give a shit, this is easy soundbites for them.
I'm still amazed that they're including the original MG Wing Zero Custom in the lineup. As someone who has both, just shell out the extra $26 for the ver Ka. It's well worth it for the 20 years of gunpla design advances.
This is one smol elephant, to be at eye level with Claudius.
But he was gonna lower egg prices! 🙄
As a Cali expat in Washington I approve of this.
Might have misattributed the quote, but this was definitely something that the Cult of Skaro said to Cybermen during either the 9th or 10th Doctor runs.
"THIS IS NOT WAR. THIS IS PEST CONTROL!" -- ~~Dalek Supreme~~ Donald J. Trump
Every package I've gotten via DHL was fulfilled by USPS, though. Do they even have the infrastructure to handle their own deliveries?
Took me a reread to realize the two security officers are named Jim and Bob.
Space Jim's got a point about the lighting though...
The fact that Biden didn't immediately take advantage of that to purge the court for being blatant enemies of the republic was appalling.
That should have been obvious when they declared the president king.
So basically, "hE's NoT hUrTiNg ThE rIgHt PeOpLe!!!!!111" Cry me a fucking river, lady.