First of all thank you for your answer! What I meant with animation is the light color modulation itself, so I would basically need to listen to incoming driver data and record it to play it afterwards as an animation (yes, we would export to usdz in order to import in reality composer).
joined 11 months ago
Thanks, I already solved it! I didn’t know that Drivers exist. The solution was to create a driver for each of the rgb color coordinates of the emitter, connect to a dmx channel and divide the value by 255.
I then connected to qlc+ using a virtual dmx channel and could control everything 😌
Thanks, so something like passing PersonModel in the constructor Person(PersonModel p) should work because it's passed by reference, right?
Thanks for the detailed explanation, not the answer I hoped for but definitely the answer I needed! Will look into all 3 options, thanks again!