Bold of you to assume students proofread what chatGPT spits out
I feel like I wouldn't even blame the other kids for bullying me if my name was Blessica
Y'know, a lot of houses with big staircases like that have a huge (and usually quite heavy) light fixture mounted on the ceiling right in the center...
I love polite cats
I think China is still one giant timezone, yes.
Edit: There's a relevant map men episode about that (and the islands thing) but I'm at work right now
I was lazy and went with pop!_os. Required minimal tweaking, and so far there are very few games I couldn't run
Lots of normies (assuming American normies love Madden as much as European normies love fifa)
Hmmm, okay. Added in dragonflight, apparently.
Well I guess I can finally shut up about this incredibly minor issue
I legit think this is the pivotal moment where everything started going downhill (at first, so slowly that we didn't notice, but downhill still)
Oh yeah, I actually remember that from the last time I relapsed (Legion). I was wondering if I hallucinated that workaround... But it's still just that : a stupid workaround. It baffles me that it is seemingly impossible for them to implement a keybind that targets the nearest "interactive" npc in range
Nah I'm depressed but still curious af
Since Italy has a whopping 55 sites,I wonder if there's some Christian bias at play, or if the Romans were that good at rebranding Greek stuff