I would be worried, but we've got a lot of really competent people coming to run the government, so it's all good!
I have... lots of media available on a local Plex server, several thousand movies and tv shows, continuously growing, never getting smaller - more than you can say for streaming services. I have an OTA DVR for local stations so I can watch sports on the weekend and maybe some PBS content. I pay $0/mo for all of it.
All they have to do is tell them the reason it has to be done is LIBRULS and boom. All anger directed at Nancy Pelosi, all is forgotten.
It should also be mentioned that it wouldn't be running out if they didn't cap the taxable income at $168,000. If you make $168,000 a year you pay the same social security tax as every millionaire and billionaire. BuT iTs InSoLvEnT
I just this year set up regular investment (part of my paycheck) into various funds to save for retirement privately.
Social Security got the structure it has after the Great Depression wiped... well, you know. Everyone. Out.
I'm sure your private equity will be run much more responsibly throughout your life though, no need for some big ol' stupid government to guarantee your retirement or anything. Carry on!
Yep, better quality engagement all around. I still visit reddit for some niche communities that aren't represented here but I always come back and I'm spend an increasing amount of time here. People are smarter and nicer in these parts.
No, you're thinking of Dean Kamen. Dean Cain is the sausage making guy.
When a woman calls the cops because her abusive SO threatened to kill her, they can't do anything about it.
I thought it was going to say "IG-88 was a dildo."
I know, maybe instead of a PR blitz they could spend that money on properly serving their customers!
Why do Putin and the billionaires he shepherds think that all this far-right democracy killing shit is so super duper? I marvel that they never seem to stop and think "this could eventually go badly for me."