My house has four bathrooms and three bidets. My teenage son just won't get on board with having a clean ass.
I'm a cable guy too; it's just better. But you can't get quality CAT6 or better cables for $6.99 anymore.
Is this what passes for mind-blowing deep thought nowadays?
Every single hand I've ever shaken has been inside a woman's womb too. So what.
I dont believe in Muphies Theory cause uts just a theory. I've done my own research and u ahoukd to.
We're a family of three with a 19 year old, so our cutlery drawer looks just like this unless we ask him to bring all the dishes from his room.
If you like old school scifi you'll probably like it. It's a grand opera. Prolog to the first book is online here:
There's a sci-fi book series called Hyperion where one of the main fucuses of the far-future theocratic government is to search for signs and symbolism of Jesus on other planets. Since if you find an alien species worshipping Jesus or using cross symbolism, you've all but proven that God exists.
That's more than we've done for them so far.
It's a good one too.
I was fortunate to have seen it in theaters when it was released. My date was a girl that was out of my league that ended up being my prom date too. Good memories associated with that film.
My 60th birthday.
If Zombieland taught us anything, it's the double-tap.
My wife and I had ceramic tile installed in our kitchen when we remodeled our house. Didn't like it so four years later we had it torn out and had oak flooring installed. Couldn't be happier. High quality hardwood floors are really durable.