The founder still made it do what it does.
Heey, I have been doing the same. Sick of all of the manufacurers to be fair. I mostly buy the games seocnd hand too because publishers suck, last ones I supported were IOI and if they push always on internet connection in the 007 game I will pirate it.
Best battle mode!
Woo more money for spotify, more ads for our "premium" accounts.
Tipping culture caused this mess, meritocracy bullshit
That isnt the point. Also is the US famously lacking in social safety nets and appropriate methods of bettering yourself are generally paywalled? So an unemployed person with no in come hs very little choice in getting work and have to take what they can.
Boot licker.
Robots can look different to people, if they know where each other are then they csn prioritise a collision with a robot over a human etc.
Sure it isnt buddy, you'd fit right in with the party in the 1930s. Just following orders.
So it should be ethnically cleansed to allow for a landgrab?
Thats the whole point, it was said they made chabges for physical copies and reairing to close the plot hole.
Its a bit over the top but it seems to actually close an ongoing discussion.
Doesn't even make it worth mentioning when listing the crimes of current day Russia.
I was on board with MK since trilogy, the ps2 era was the best for pushing the envelope and now I expect more from them. I want to play the chess game, the karting, create a fighter, actual story konquest. The works.
The lean into online sucks too