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[–] Soulcreator 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

The amount of pseudoscience surrounding the 'plants tho' debate is just plain infuriating, I just can't with anyone who thinks harvesting wheat is morally equivalent to sticking a bolt through a cows head.

[–] Soulcreator 4 points 1 week ago (4 children)

"Plants silently 'scream' when you cut them, so it's morally equivalent to shooting a bolt in to the brain of a sentient animal, right? Nature is cruel, so I guess I have no choice but to continue eating this big Mac, right?"

[–] Soulcreator 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Does becoming a father make you less body conscious?

[–] Soulcreator 17 points 2 weeks ago (19 children)

As someone who went through the NY public school system many years ago, I can confirm hats were/are hard banned. Like unless it was for religious reasons you really couldn't even think about putting something on your head.

Cell phones were also banned in my youth but I guess times have changed?

[–] Soulcreator 4 points 2 weeks ago

You know I could see him being a hard ass captain. It would really be a shame for him to be relegated to bad guy, that being said he would probably make it the bad guy you love to hate.

[–] Soulcreator 12 points 3 weeks ago

As someone who also fell into that boat once upon a time as well, it's crazy to me that people can look back and say "oh he did a good job, we totally need four more years of that".

[–] Soulcreator 4 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

God I'd kill for a place with no trolls, politics, shit posts, where your allowed to disagree and have spirited discussions on topics but mods would step in before it becomes an argument.

I feel like everywhere you go online nowadays there's a `well ackwchullly' type in the corner. I'd love a place people can get together share ideas and joke around.

Long story short, if you build it they will come.

[–] Soulcreator 4 points 1 month ago

Yes i understand what you are getting at there, but my question is precisely how long does one have before the wheels fall off while eating a strict vegan diet? Are we talking a matter of days, weeks, months, years, or decades?

[–] Soulcreator 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'm curious, why the holdup, why not move there asap?

[–] Soulcreator 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I suspect Tuvix would like a word with you.

[–] Soulcreator 12 points 1 month ago (2 children)

So precisely how long are vegans able to survive without suffering ill effects? Because I mean we've all heard of people who have lived on that diet long term, so at what point do the wheels start to fall off so to speak? Is there some kind of extended latency period where you are okay before you get sick, or are vegan influencers just pretending to be healthy?

Also your how do you propose we change our agricultural practices so that our food supply isn't tainted by sick meat grown in poor conditions? There's a lot of evidence that there's not enough land mass on earth to feed everyone a diet of free range grass fed beef. Or do you propose we run full steam ahead with factory farming and damn the consequences?

[–] Soulcreator 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Farthest thing from an anti-vaxer so please me out. There is a small select group of people who have legitimate reasons why they can't get vaccinated.

Unless you are being told by your doctor you can not get vaccinated, you should get vaccinated. End of story. Heard immunity helps protect those in our society who have serious health issues and can't get vaccinated.

Vaccination should be considered a required civic duty, but I do believe allowances should be made with individuals with certain health conditions.

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