They don't have to look like point sources that feel like they are burning your retina.
The only explenation I can think of is Trump is running everything like one of his businesses. You are friends with no one. You bluster and pretend, make outrageous demands with no intention of meeting them. He was notorious for not paying his bills and telling contractors to try to get their money. He may be playing the old tactic of asking for $1000 when you know it will be rejected and really aiming for $100 in the first place. He may not even have a plan and just posturing is his goal. He may just put this farce on for a few weeks, then drop it after causing chaos in the markets and with consumers. Then he'll make some vague declaration of victory, his supporters and congress will cheer for him without asking any questions and he'll move on to the next performance.
My question is why do his supporters think causing discord with our closest allies for 100 or so years is somehow helping us? I can only guess a combination of a total lack of education (especially history and analytical thought) and willful blindness, like the victim of a scam who can't admit they were scammed.
We'll be in joint counseling for years after this mess. Maybe a neutral country like Switzerland can be the moderator.
You can enjoy their divorce more
The yolk's on you!
I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, forgive and such, but Trumpers handed a can of gas and a match to a maniac. I can't find any sympathy for them at this point. They didn't care that they let the country burn and everyone else with it so why should I feel sorry for them?
I'm sure they will rationalize their situation by blaming anyone other than Trump. It is like the victim of a scam who can't face themselves in a mirror and continues to double down on the scam.
Please report for reeducation
Dead people can't get autism from vaccines! Winning!
Your body, your choice (sometimes)
It is amazing the hoops people will jump through to avoid actual proven medical treatments. "So rubbing this toad on my face and turning 5 times will protect me? Hell yah, beats the toxic vaccine!"
It is like road rage videos. I hate road rage. I hope they lose their license. But I can't watch them because they pointlessly get me worked up.