Oh you'd hate to know about how when you shit sitting down you get Poseidon's kiss.
That's why I shit standing up like a real man
I saw a breakdancing dude falling out of the sky for the same reason
May it be a brown year for us all!
I'm also an old redditor who's been here for 1.5 years after 3rd party apps died.
This place is much more human and less "dead internet theory" than reddit. Engage with people as much as you'd like and you'll enjoy being here
I am currently on the toilet as I type this comment making 2025 a brown year to start
Ok this is just a whole other level of loss
Exactly! If billionaires were put in a a position where they need to stop being billionaires and distribute their wealth or else people will kill them, they'd distribute their wealth real fucking fast
I think you're right because the leaves on the tree in the background don't align with the branches.
Everything else in the picture looks spot on for a closeup fisheye lense view of a duck on some grass
You face towards the toilet, stand right on the toilet seat, and aim the shit directly into the water.
That gives you highest drop distance for maximum splash sound and maximum bitches.