I want to. But I must say its a bit difficult. Almost all lemmy instances are a specific echo chamber of opinions, thoughts and political views. The moment I say even the smallest thing out of the “norm” im banned.
Its just a cool movie with ok script.
Also he doesnt know what an SCD is.
Pandas and Pickle man….
He gonna write everything in Pandas. Who the fuck needs to pay hundreds of millions a year to Oracle. (And I bet thats really how much they pay Oracle)
Also, ohh boy Oracle’s layers… those you dont wanna mess with.
Oh yeah? How about SCD? I bet all ssn are in an SCD.
As a data engineer for the past 20+ years: There is absolutely no fucking way that the us gov doesnt use sql. This is what shows that he’s stupid not only in sql but in data science in general.
Regarding duplications: its more nuanced than those statements each side put. There can be duplications in certain situations. In some situations there shouldnt be. And I dont really see how duplications in a db is open to fraud.
I was like this in programming classes. I would read one time and immediately understand and go and get 10 at the exam. Even new languages or concepts, I would read it once and thats it. It was like a fun game for me. Anything else at school? Abysmal scores, including Math! (I hate when people equate programming and math as if its the same skill - its fucking not!) I would struggle with everything unrelated to computers.
I dont think they assume all immigrants are illegal. They talk about illegal immigrants. As in those that entered clandestinely without visa or entering permit or those that have their visa / permit expired. Correct me if im wrong.
What about a bunch of stepper motor and some plastic. Do I need a background check for that?
That submarine also polluted. The ocean nonetheless. Your post is inherently contradictory.