Again: NY Post. A rag famous for making shit up entirely as long as it helps the right.
joined 2 years ago
Caps lock is cruise control for cool
According to some random substack by a dude that definitely isn't using a fake name, who cites the NY Post. Really?
Vegeta not shown because he's too busy taking pot shots at Santa's sleigh?
One pled guilty, and the other got the cops to drop the investigation. Totally the same.
Sounds funny until you see just how stuffed with antibiotics they are
Also fits with being a fucking Nazi
But some irrational numbers are only so in base 10
IPs are meant to be shared, that's why v6 got rid of NAT
Dalinar, be reasonable
No, the proper term is "clickbait". If there's no drive to make this a reality, don't invent one and attribute it to shadowy forces.