Teddy is a real dichotomy to me. When I was much younger, living outside the US, i found him to be the worst that Americans represented: arrogant, bullish, and full of sovereign ignorance. Then going through college and beyond, living states side, I discovered his championship of nature and his passion for reading and education. Now a days, I can recognize him as an imperfect man trying to do the best he thought at the time. Kinda like a grumpy granddad with some ideas way ahead of his time.
Not by choice I'm sure. Kinda like our public school books. It's a numbers and -hopefully-long game.
Absolutely, a friendly Linux user got me to install Mint!
Who the fuck are they going to find to be both unaware and imparcial on this?!
Hah! Nice one
Guess it's better than the guy who pranked his friend's plasma 50 inch with a gay porn burn in...
Bitch, be cool...
Same. A friendly poster recommended Mint and I'm loving it! The fact that it automatically walks you through the dual boot set up was exactly what I wanted.
Noice. Still to chicken too go full into the deep end of the pool. lemmy posts have been slowing talking me into it more and more!
I get your point too, bud, and for accuracy: I was not saying they haven't "addressed any of the concerns", my problem is with the latest paid 'expansion' and the definition of the word DLC. I do sincerely hope that given the time they can reach No Man's sky redemption level, but I'm not holding my breath. I also believe that there has been a semantics shift in how AAA is spinning a lot of rushed games these days which is getting a pass by many gamers and it really sucks for the future of the industry. To me bug fixes are not DLC, those are patches or hotfixes not downloadable content. I know that you understand that; however, the problem I have is that Marcin promised it to be free (and I can't arsed to find the quote, so this was maybe my own mishearing at the time so you can get me there if that was the case), and you can argue that "no, he just meant the patches or some minor additions" but to myself at the time -and I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one- though the DLC (i.e Expansions) were going to be free by way of apology and regain some of the trust back. You can say that's naive or unrealistic, but this release has cured me of the preorder hype bus forever and given me a healthy dose of skepticism for all AAA releases, particularly from CDPR from now on. There are better games to spend my time looking for Easter eggs and that's just my opinion.
Left hand side second button down -> mute. Might not work everywhere, but it's pretty satisfying to turn it off.
Just out of curiosity, do the scientologist have anything about eating aliens too?