Also the judgement and laws could change. Potentially rendering everything you do now illegal. Therefore it could be used for prosecuting you later for something you did while it was perfectly legal.
Ich habe dir Hoffnung in diese Menschheit aufgegeben. Krieg fällt leichter als an seine Mitmenschen zu denken. Auf Propagandisten zu hören fällt leichter als auf Wissenschaftler. An sich selber im Jetzt zu denken fällt leichter, als auch mal ein paar Jahre weiter zu denken. :(
I think Boeing should rethink their strategy. How are their Stockprices not at the bottom of the ocean yet? Cutting so many corners and risking so many lifes should not be legal. This should definitely be prosecuted. Either ban all the current executives or ban the planes.
Great, now they want to fuck up space too. Earth isn't enough it seems.
When will this madness finally stop? :( I'm just trying to survive here...
I mean.. I get your point but.. isn't this the wrong place to post this? Like... c/vegan.. does that ring a bell?
Ich will ja nichts sagen, aber die Story könnte auch mit "Florida-man kidnapped Voodoo -master" beginnen..
Deutschland wird immer wilder.
Maybe living a healthy life wasn't such a good Idea for me after all. Now, I'll probably experience all the worst times on this planet till the very end :/
Es schmerzt immer wieder aufs neue diese Sätze mit "Desto..." Oder "Umso..." zu hören.
Everyone as rich as him has connections to Hitl- damn I mean Putin. Let them burn. Let them all burn in Russia until they get a hold of their country against those corrupt bastards.
Cutting is meant literally here. Cut in half by a train.
To the negative - that is. They only care about money now. Not what comes later. :(