Exactly how it went when they played baldurs gate 3
You're welcome friend. Hope you find a method that works for you
So id caution against resorting to extreme measures, especially if you are unsure of what is reality. That can have very permanent consequences.
It sounds like you're close to being aware its a dream when its happening. You can start to recognize the signs and when that happens you should be able to assert control over your dream. Check out lucid dreaming, spinning around in the dream is a popular technique.
When I was young until about 16 I had night terrors. ID walk around my house seeing demons trying to get in. Would wake my parents up by slamming doors and putting sticks in the windows to stop them from opening. Spooky shit would crawl down the walls, dead ghost girls would climb into my bed. Grim reaper would stand in the middle of the room imperceptibly moving to stare at me with hollow sockets. They were terrifying ordeals and I feel you. My dreams went away when I started smoking pot honestly. Once I was done with that the horror movie dreams came back but not the night terrors. I write the real fucked up ones down as outlines to short stories. Maybe one day I will write a book thats a collection of them. Helps me cope.
I read this in Hank hills voice
He does all joja playthtoughs
It reads to me that they are complaining about the number and nature of Lemmy posts around topics featured in the image, captioned Luigi and largely revolving around the actions he took against a CEO. Im also tired of seeing people complain / Pearl clutch about the one time americans got close to class consciousness.
Coming to a platform started by leftists and MLs and expecting sympathy for mass murderers because they have a C class job title is on you guys tbh.
Wont somebody please think of the billionaires :(
This reminds me of when we moved from an RV to a house.
Blue Maga doesn't want to hear it but you're right.
This is America. The lesser evil did it worse and they couldnt care less.
Damn dude 100% very well put