I came here to post Faraway as well!
Those rumours about moonlit orgies can't all be wrong. They are the f-druids after all...
The ability to post a video to multiple co-authors' channels.
Instantly brought back memories of zoning out to Knytt on my then new PC 😊
Systemic, I tell you
I really wish there were more of them.
Link to the quoted article: https://arstechnica.com/space/2025/01/a-nasa-astronaut-may-have-just-taken-the-best-photo-from-space-ever/
My biggest complaint is that their complimentary ROM collection doesn't have any of the Patapon games. I put mine in and now it's perfect :D
By outright piracy ofc. They include a shoddy SD card full of ROMs, but you can and should use your own card (for longevity) with your own ROMs (for legal reasons...)
The R36S is a "dirt cheap" Linux retrohandheld you can get pretty much everywhere. No built-in WiFi though, which limits usability quite a lot.
If both of the Decks connect to the same WiFi, you'd be able to play local multiplayer games just fine. Not every game will support local multiplayer though, and vice versa.
As for games: How about Divinity Original Sin 2? Plenty of tactics, but also a lot of reading. Has local co-op support, but the fights are turn based anyway so I'm sure what latency issues you had over L4D2 wouldn't be a concern.
For a while I was seeing people use the asterism symbol (⁂) around my Mastodon feed. Wonder what happened to that movement.