Elon is like that greasy kid in high school who would correct the History teacher with facts he learned by posting on /pol/. "Actually, the slaves loved being slaves because they got free housing and healthcare."
Can someone please line his shit ass up against the wall already?
Women are for reproduction use only. Men can fuck couches and dress up like women but their place is out in the world. Doing the tough jobs like I did when I was a US Marine, risking my life to write press releases and enjoy it in the rear, hahaha, that's what she said. I am not weird, you're weird. When a woman can no longer produce babies and her womb has dried up she should devote her time to raising the children of her husband's young new baby machi...I mean grandchildren. In conclusion, Donny said I could say the n-word any time I want if he gets elected and he would also buy me a nice new sexy suede couch and he promised not to deport my brown wife and our Italian-level white children." - James David "My Preferred Name Is JD" Vance